Gorman Football


11-man fan
Gorman ISD will be playing an outlaw schedule for the 2015-16 school year and will be looking for games for High school and Jr. High. We are located 30 miles south of Stephenville and halfway between Ft. Worth and Abilene (about 20 miles south of Interstate 20).

If you are interested and have any openings please call Gary Speegle at (254) 734- 3171 or e-mail at [email protected].

We are excited about entering the 6-man world and look forward to establishing a long relationships with each of you.

Gary Speegle
Welcome to 6 Man! After witnessing first hand what this can do for the success of a school and the morale of the kids, its a good thing. There will be those that fight it because they are ignorant to what six man football is all about. I was defensive coordinator in 11 man for three years before my first taste of six man, now I dont think I will ever go back. Again Welcome to the Six Man Nation.
Thank you for the encouraging words. We have many excited people in Gorman. Our two biggest concerns right now are finding the right 6-man coach to lead our program and filling a schedule for HS and Jr. high in the outlaw season.