Good Luck to The Kids


11-man fan
I know it happens, but I think we all get our egos a little involved and attempt to take away some glory from these kids. I just want to encourage all the guys left standing to HAVE FUN. Especially you seniors. Any night could be your last. Play hard, and give your absolute 100% best. Soon you’ll be a has been posting on this sight. Like a house you used to live in and enjoy so much, and now you are only allowed a glimpse in an outside window. Good luck, have fun, and enjoy your moment.
I agree. Congrats to the 16 teams left and just to be playing this time of year is something thousands of kids would give anything to be back in pads. May God be with each Town Team and Player!!!
Thanks to you guys for the reminder it’s a game for the KIDS. All to often this fact is forgotten. You never get to re-live your high school years. They flash by in an instant. The Pros play for $ Millions, the Kids play for Memories that will last a lifetime. May God Watch over and Protect them all.

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