Ft. Worth THESA scores?

Can anyone elaborate a little on this? I thought that all of these homeschool teams show up with a different group each week. Or that is what it seems like. Who made the ruling, which players were not eligible, and what made them so?
I am the chairman of the Texas Association of Independent Athletic Organizations (TAIAO). Ft. Worth Thesa is a member of TAIAO.

Home School organizations in TAIAO do not "show up with a different set of players every week". They submit a roster and TAIAO has strict eligibility rules. THESA had two players that were found to have violated an eligibility rule that disallows players from being enrolled at a college, university, trade or technical school beyond the high school level unless they are pursuing dual or simultaneous credit.

The incidents were self reported by THESA as soon as the organization discovered the violations (while collecting biographical information for senior night activities). TAIAO investigated and ruled that the parents of the students involved did not purposely violate the rule, but rather did not have a full understanding of the effect of such post-secondary enrollment would have on eligibility under TAIAO rules.

TAIAO determined that all games that the ineligible players participated in would be considered forfeits, but because there did not appear to be any ill intent on the part of THESA (or the parents/athletes), no further sanctions were imposed.

TAIAO will be issueing a new questionaire for all athletes and parents to complete prior to future activies to ensure that such misunderstanding of the application of our rules does not occur in the future.

Wayne Alldredge