Favorite Guitarists

O.K. I got bored so I just wanna know who everybody thinks is the best guitarist to ever live. There is catagories though<P>Influence:<BR>Technical:<BR>Emotion:<BR>Speed:<BR>Sheer Talent:<P><BR>My picks are<P>Muddy Waters (old,old blues) or Hendrix<BR>Yngwie Malmsteen<BR>Slash<BR>John Petturci (from Dream Theater)<BR>Steve Vai
I know very little about guitarist. But a former girl friend of mine swore that Vinny Moore was the greatest to ever live. Do you know anything about him?
Influence:jimi hendrix<BR>Technical:eric clapton<BR>Emotion:stevie ray vaughn<BR>Speed:dwayne allman<BR>Sheer Talent:dwayne allman
Duwane Allman??? Really? I wouldn't say sheer talent. Maybe emotion... And Angus isn't really that great, he just keeps it real simple and bulesy.<P>I'm not really saying that he's the best guiarist around but I do love the band. Cody Canada does pretty good for Cross Canadian Ragweed.<P>Oh yeah, one guitarist I forgot to mention was Tom Petty's guitarist(sorry, I went brain dead...It's probably the 3 liter I drank today of Coke).
The ones that top most people's list:<P>Jimmy Page<BR>Jimi Hendrix<BR>Angus Young<BR>Eddie Van Halen<BR>Steve Vai<BR>Eric Clapton<BR>Slash<P>My personal favourites:<P>Brian May<BR>Tony Iommi<BR>Slash<BR>Izzy Stradlin'<BR>Steve Howe<BR>Jimmy Page<BR>Jimi Hendrix<BR>David Gilmour<P><BR>And talent would most definitely have to include (but not be limited to) Eddie Van Halen...I don't like him, but he was awesome...<P>And for most underrated, I have to say Brian May is very underrated in America...<P><BR>Some other good ones:<P>Mike Bloomfield<BR>Keith Richards<BR>Jeff Beck<BR>Carlos Santana<BR>Randy Rhoads<p>[ October 16, 2005: Message edited by: Kinman's 'PUT OUT THE FIRE' Charity ]
Yeah youre probably right about Brian May. He was probably one of the smartest guitarist to ever play.<P>And without Randy Rhodes and Iommi, Ozzy would not be where he is today...<P>And I'm not sure of his name but the guitarist for Ratt was pretty awsome. So are K.K. Downing and Glenn Tipton. They were really the first "metal" band...Sabbath was more along the lines of "heavy" than "metal"
Well I guess for me, It must be just one. See as I am not much for buying music, I had planed on buy some of this man music for serveral years. I went to Wally World for something (they did have what I need, so I guess the money was burning a hole in my pocket and on the way out there was a rack with two of this man CD right there. So as a paid, the man looked at me with anger and said "you bet, they will buy him now" I thought that is weird, got in the car and turn on the radio to the anouncement of the mans death, SRV I am still looking for the message. Who You Going to Call!! Time for Ghost Busters III LOL
A great guitarist that is often overlooked is Neil Schon of Journey...he was playing with Santana when he was 16 so he had to have something going for him...plus sweeeeeet solos on the Greatest Hits Album...
I've always been a Journey fan, but you are correct in the fact that I did overlook him...I <BR>have to mention my main men Kirk & James from Mettalica...<P>Oh yeah, for the newer stuff I'd have to say either Mark Morton and Willie Adler from Lamb Of God or Jeff Loomis from Nevermore...
*DimeBag Darrel could play the guitar (not just in a metal sense either)<BR>*BB King<BR>*Santana<BR>*Stevie Ray Vaughn<BR>*Eddie<BR>*Randy<BR>*Lead singer for Primus can play the heck out of the bass<BR>*heck to many to list....they are all good and some great!
Tha would be Les Claypool on the Primus bass player <P>my favorite guitarists in no particular order<P>Mike Mcready( you can almost here little wing in yellow ledbetter)<BR>Clapton(can blues it up with the very best and is a great rock guitarist)<BR>Jeff Beck(maybe better than Clapton)<BR>Hendrix(everything is amazing, but castles made of sand is my fav)<BR>Trey Anastacio(best jam band guitarist, the whole band is phenomenal)<BR>Dwuane Alman(best slide player<P>For Blues though, I found some early Muddy Waters and T-bone Murphy records on Vynl in a record shop in Fort Worth that were a little to pricey but he let me listen and they were greatness gotta love the pops and clicks, digital recording takes all the soul away
I can admit to having heard of Hendrix, Clapton, and Santanna. I even spent good money back in the day to watch Woodstock when it was first released. But any list of GOOD guitarists would not be complete without mentioning Chet Atkins and Roy Clark.
Interesting that no one has mentioned Eric Johnson. King of tone and big-time goose-bump factor. And above all a Texas boy. <P>Have to agree that most of the technical talent lies in the shred genre category, I read names such as Petrucci (Dream Theater) and Stevie Vai....King Edward re-wrote the book on boogie, yes...and someone mentioned "the guitar player from Ratt"...Warren DeMartini. I copped his style and got a (bad?) habit of fanning the ring and pinky fingers of my bridge hand...not helpful but it looks cool.