fajitapete's rankings(ravings)


Six-man fan
For a lot longer than I care to think about I have been working on a ranking system aka ‘a toy’. It is based on last years power rankings that I tabulated and then influenced by enrollment, last years district standing, lettermen lost, returning, and starters returning. The last 4 items are taken out of DCTF so blame him if the rankings do go the way you want.

After a lot of regression testing and trying to quantify the influence on each of these areas, I think I have my system ready to run. It will get better as time goes on as I recessively apply corrections in a 4 week moving window so hopefully towards the end of the season I will have a good ranking system. I tested the system during last years play offs and only missed 5 games. So I am going public this year.

It’s not rocket science, but seems pretty damn close to it. Anyway, I haven’t done anything with the tapps or independents. I don’t have a clue how one can harness that much data, just doing div 1 and 2 is kicking my butt. I will try to bring those teams on line this year.

So here is the first run aka preseason rankings. If this can be kept up I’ll do it all year but if work gets in the way, well I do like the paycheck. I will try to predict upcoming game as well so we can all take big ol jabs when I miss.

Ropes 1
Meadow 2
Whiteface 3
Lubbock Harmony 4
Wellman-Union 5
Ropes 1
Meadow 2
Whiteface 3
Lubbock Harmony 5
Wellman-Union 4
no real dif but i think wellman will finish ahead of lubbock
Well folks, another football season is upon us. Two-a-days just about to wrap up. Scrimmages almost in full swing. Then, all of a sudden, BOOM!!!!!!!! FRIDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL!!!!!!! Thank goodness its here. I saw your rankings fajitapete and I think you only made one mistake. You didn't rank Meadow #1. But everyone is entitled to a mistake.
Bronco Airman, who is Meadow scrimmaging this season, and whats the rumor about Coach Allison maybe looking for new job opportunities. Just curious about schedule, i'd like to watch Meadow play before Ropes and Meadow cross paths for more than likely the district title. Should be a great year for all, but my predictions are the similar to Fajitapete.
1. Ropes
2. Meadow
3. Whiteface
4. Wellman
5. Harmony
best of luck to all coaches and players.
Stealth eagle":1k7wpmp2 said:
Bronco Airman, who is Meadow scrimmaging this season, and whats the rumor about Coach Allison maybe looking for new job opportunities. Just curious about schedule, i'd like to watch Meadow play before Ropes and Meadow cross paths for more than likely the district title. Should be a great year for all, but my predictions are the similar to Fajitapete.
1. Ropes
2. Meadow
3. Whiteface
4. Wellman
5. Harmony
best of luck to all coaches and players.

Pretty sure Coach A is happy in Meadow. You must've heard that his son was looking for a job.