Do you like this site?


Six-man expert
I do this every couple of years. No obligations.

Do you appreciate this site?

If so, I have a button on the main page ( on the right) where you can send me $5 via PayPal.

If you prefer Venmo, @Granger-Huntress
or Cash, $grangerhuntress

Like I said, no obligations. Revenues are down since most are using their mobile devices and bypassing the ads.
Five bucks? What I paid to get in to the game tonight? What I paid for a burger before it? The link to the ESPN article last week was worth that. I'll go you one better Mr. Guru Sir. Coach Lee, Coach Mallory, heck, I've never met him but Coach Burkhart, have you got $5 worth of use out of the site over the years just looking for games?
BTW, I clicked on the Sirius ad a while ago without reading it fully, it's 25% off for veterans. As I'm not one I don't qualify. But, I've been thinking about checking them out for years as I have limited radio choices in my area. I've heard they have some cool specialized stations. Willie to Tom Petty. I'm curious.
I appreciate all of the support. People have asked about giving more. Sure, but nothing crazy. This site has been run for 25 years in one way or another (the old newsletter). It survives.
Granger this site is an invaluable resource to those of us that use it. So I don’t really think anyone can go “crazy” in supporting it. When we look around at supporting our other “habits”, fishing, hunting, golf etc. any
amount contributed on our behalf pales in comparison to the value offered by Please
don’t cut yourself short on this. “Each according to his means” and “to those who have received much,
So should they give”.
Take the Money and run!”. (Smiley face goes here!) Ha!
Sorry Guru. After getting engrossed in my previous post I forgot to actually Do what I implied. Put a $10 spot down to support the site. IT is well worth more than the price of a burger and admission to even just 20 minutes of actual Football. Hope others are not as negligent as me!
Yes, IT pun fully intended.
Good Football To You, to borrow a phrase.