DII State Championship Game

One of the things that struck me at the D2 game was the reaction of the spectators that were around me. We had no idea who any were or who they supported but after the 4th TD, I started hearing murmurs of " They really are that good" or simply wow's and head shaking. I guess I'm really not what you'd call a great fan in that I tend to be very quiet during a game and just watch what is going on on the field but the spectator's reaction during this game was palpable and penetrated the excitement of the moment.
I observe the games just like you do, Smokey. When your kids are through playing, you can really sit back, relax, and enjoy the games. I used to carry a handful of rolaids or tums for years in my pockets and really couldn't enjoy the games. And now, it's getting close to the grandkids starting to play.
Little Doc":386vazhu said:
I observe the games just like you do, Smokey. When your kids are through playing, you can really sit back, relax, and enjoy the games. I used to carry a handful of rolaids or tums for years in my pockets and really couldn't enjoy the games. And now, it's getting close to the grandkids starting to play.
I've got a friend who keeps basketball stats of his grandson's games(7th grade). Says it keeps him from yelling at officials............. My wife wonders why I bother going to games because she says I don't talk or show emotion. She makes up for it by visiting and occasionally seeing a play or 2 .................