DII District 1 & 2 Week 9 Predictions


11-man fan
District 1:

EP Jesus Chapel over Lubbock CTK 62-12

Lubbock Kingdom Prep over Plainview Christian 52-14

District 2:

North Central Texas Academy - bye
Brownwood Victory Life - bye

WF Notre Dame over Wichita Christian 66-12

District 1:

EP Jesus Chapel over Lubbock CTK 62-12
EP Jesus Chapel beat Lubbock CTK 52-6

Lubbock Kingdom Prep over Plainview Christian 52-14
Lubbock Kingdom Prep beat Plainview Christian 72-45 --- much higher scoring by Plainview than I thought.

District 2:

North Central Texas Academy - bye
Brownwood Victory Life - bye

WF Notre Dame over Wichita Christian 66-12
WF Notre Dame beat Wichita Christian 67-0 --- Our leading receiver was out for the 4th straight game with an injury and our second leading receiver/starting center was also out after getting injured in the NCTA game. Then one of our backup centers got hurt during the Notre Dame game. So we played with only 6 players for most of the game.
We know that Notre Dame can run, can pass, has speed, and can play good defense. So do they have any weaknesses? I think one. Penalties. The personal foul variety. In the game, the Stars had 1 penalty for 5 yards. The Knights had 7 for 80 yards. Hitting out of bounds, roughing the QB, and facemasks. Do I still think that they will win the TAPPS title? Yes. However, their propensity for personal fouls could really come back to haunt them in the playoffs.
In district WF ND had 5 Penalties for 35 yards in the other two games not counting the WC ONE. So an argument could be made that the penalties were a fluke and rarely happen or that the little boys from WC could have been starting stuff on the field too but just weren't getting caught. A team doesn't just go from 2.5 penalties a game in district (against teams that are actually decent ) to 8 penalties in a game on their own. Especially against a crappy team who can't even score a TD when the other team gives them 80 YARDS !!!! I don't know you but I think it's sad when a team can't even put any points up on the board when the other team gives them a piggy back down the field. Maybe they will be a better basketball team than a football team. If not maybe they should pick up something like knitting because that takes no skill at all to teach or learn. These are just my opinions though so take them lightly. Have a nice time practicing basketball.

J.W. Reed
Mr.BigTex":3rr6ly76 said:
In district WF ND had 5 Penalties for 35 yards in the other two games not counting the WC ONE. So an argument could be made that the penalties were a fluke and rarely happen or that the little boys from WC could have been starting stuff on the field too but just weren't getting caught. A team doesn't just go from 2.5 penalties a game in district (against teams that are actually decent ) to 8 penalties in a game on their own. Especially against a crappy team who can't even score a TD when the other team gives them 80 YARDS !!!! I don't know you but I think it's sad when a team can't even put any points up on the board when the other team gives them a piggy back down the field. Maybe they will be a better basketball team than a football team. If not maybe they should pick up something like knitting because that takes no skill at all to teach or learn. These are just my opinions though so take them lightly. Have a nice time practicing basketball.

J.W. Reed

Wow... Really? A late hit out of bounds penalizes ND. A late hit on the QB penalizes ND. Facemasks penalize ND. It would be in their best interest to make an effort to NOT get those penalties regardless of the team that they're playing. All season long in my posts, I've been fair to other teams and not resorted to name calling, which I am to believe should be the norm for all Christian schools, coaches, players, and fans. I'm sorry that you don't share that opinion. I didn't call out any player or say that they were playing dirty or taking cheap shots. I merely stated that those type of penalties can end up hurting them in the playoffs. As for those LITTLE BOYS from WC, I do believe our JV team shut ND out 30-0.
Mr.BigTex":idlzsa3r said:
In district WF ND had 5 Penalties for 35 yards in the other two games not counting the WC ONE. So an argument could be made that the penalties were a fluke and rarely happen or that the little boys from WC could have been starting stuff on the field too but just weren't getting caught. A team doesn't just go from 2.5 penalties a game in district (against teams that are actually decent ) to 8 penalties in a game on their own. Especially against a crappy team who can't even score a TD when the other team gives them 80 YARDS !!!! I don't know you but I think it's sad when a team can't even put any points up on the board when the other team gives them a piggy back down the field. Maybe they will be a better basketball team than a football team. If not maybe they should pick up something like knitting because that takes no skill at all to teach or learn. These are just my opinions though so take them lightly. Have a nice time practicing basketball.

J.W. Reed

Wow, I only wish I could have your level of class..
GMW- your "JV" is your junior high. No one cares about them. THEY ARE IRRELEVENT TO THE CONVERSATION. And When I said the little boys I ment you HS team. The JH team was probably bigger than the HS and from what I observed, the JH could probably beat your HS.
Mr. Big Tex-grow up!!! Why do you feel the need to put down others? Win with class. I am sure your coach probably wouldn't appreciate this.
Tepryde- my coach ?! Do you think I am a child ? I bet you do. Well I'm not I am simply an angry fan who is tired of dried up coaches like your self who cant get a big coaching job and dumb fans like GMW who talk like they know things about a sport they probably didn't even play in HS. I bet GMW didn't even play a sport in HS. (No GMW THE CHESS CLUB DOESNT COUNT, it AIN'T A SPORT)
Mr.BigTex":26l2wcz8 said:
Tepryde- my coach ?! Do you think I am a child ? I bet you do. Well I'm not I am simply an angry fan who is tired of dried up coaches like your self who cant get a big coaching job and dumb fans like GMW who talk like they know things about a sport they probably didn't even play in HS. I bet GMW didn't even play a sport in HS. (No GMW THE CHESS CLUB DOESNT COUNT, it AIN'T A SPORT)

You're right, I didn't play 6 man football. I played 9 man HS football... and basketball, and ran cross country and track. I also played flag football, basketball, and tennis for my squadron in the Air Force. I also coached HS tennis. AND I don't even like chess.
How about you? Have you played? Have you coached? Or do you just prefer to gripe and name call others? How about trying to set a GOOD example for the ND players and fans?