Differences Between Republicans and Democrats

SimplyPut":utzqbjpb said:
The only way our Government becomes a Theocracy is if Muslims are successful in their ultimate goal. To rule us and the world as an Islamic State under Sharia Law. That definetly isn't the average Republicans view in my opinion. Now I realize that the suggestion was that republicans trend toward a Theocracy. For example, If whippersnapper means the average Republican believes or Country can coexist with Christianity as the basis our Government was founded on, then I agree that is the average Republicans view. To further elaborate, it is my opinion that the average Republican believes our Country is founded on (not governed by) Christianity, and Republicans believe that there is a place for God, the Pledge of Allegiance, the 10 commandments, and Prayer in our Government at the local, State, and Federal level. I am definetly a Republican and will continue to vote that way until they throw dirt on me.
Theocracy does not implicitly equate to Islam and Sharia law. Tibet was a (quite passive) theocracy based in Buddhism; the Empire of Japan was a theocratic monarchy (the Emperor was viewed as divine); the divine right of kings in Europe and the Holy Roman Empire were based in theocratic principles. Whenever religious tenets, as religious tenets, become law, there are the roots of theocracy.

The First Amendment to our Constitution states (in part, pertinent to this discussion), “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”. This is commonly termed “freedom of religion” though in recent times, it has also become “freedom from religion”, which was never an original intent. The intent was not to establish a “Christian Nation”, but to ensure that the rights of each man to be free to practice, or not practice, any faith he chooses, whether it is popular with his neighbours or not. In much of Europe, if one was not Catholic, that life was forfeit; in England, the King was not only Head of State, but head of the Church of England, and one’s life and property were retained at the whim of the King (Magna Carta safeguards, notwithstanding).

So long as your impassioned religious beliefs are not forced upon your neighbour by threat of violence or imprisonment, and so long as you do nothing to hinder your neighbour’s practice (or lack thereof) of his beliefs, there is “freedom of religion”. When you wish to use the force of government to compel action or inaction, based on what your rabbi/pastor/preacher/priest tells you is in “God’s word” or is “God’s will”, religious freedom is threatened and theocracy looms.

As some comedian said decades ago, “As long as there are math tests, there will be prayer in school.” My own kids are grown and not in public school, but I never wanted them compelled (through teacher intimidation or peer pressure) to pray. In fact, I still view the long-winded prayers at public events hypocritical and self-aggrandising. (If you want the basis for that opinion, look at Matthew 6:6). That said, I do not want them banned, as that would be (i.m.o.) a violation of the “free exercise thereof” portion of the First Amendment; I simply think it is in poor taste, at a football game, for example, and would much prefer a “moment of silence” to some preacher who loves the sound of his own voice.

The Pledge of Allegiance? It was written in 1892, and did not include the words “under God” , even though it was written by a Baptist minister, Francis Bellamy (who was, incidentally, involved in the Christian Socialist movement of the early 20th Century). The phrase “under God” was added in the midst of the ‘Red Scare’ to differentiate “us” from the “godless communists”.

Old Bearkat":utzqbjpb said:
Abortion? Pure and simple murder of an innocent infant and was the opinion of a majority of both political parties until the 1960's and until the federal government involved itself under the Warren Supreme Court, a purely local/state matter. Ditto for Gay "marriage"? That is a pure and simple warping of an institution designed specifically to provide a stable home for raising children.
If one truly wants freedom of religion, then it must be freedom of all religions, not just the one that is dominant in a region. OBK, you believe abortion is “pure and simple murder” because that is what your faith, the tenets of your church, your pastor/preacher/priest has taught you. I respect that point of view, I am even in some agreement with it. What about someone whose faith is different from yours? Someone who doesn’t believe life begins at conception, who believes life doesn’t begin until the first breath is drawn. Do you have the legitimate right to force your religious views on that person? You can try to persuade, but you can’t use the force of government to compel. That simply isn’t philosophically consistent.

My position is simple, I do not advocate a government with the power to use force to require a woman to (in your words) “murder” her child at any point in the development of that child, nor do I support a government which would use force to require she remain pregnant. It is quite simply not the government’s place to use force in either case. It is “free will” and only the person who makes the decision will pay the cost of that decision (and answer to her creator, if that is her faith).

Marriage is “an institution designed specifically to provide a stable home for raising children”? That is hardly historically accurate. It was a means of ownership, of wealth accumilation, of establishing rights of succession, of family alliance... it was many things historically. Based on that statement (an institution designed specifically to provide a stable home for raising children), does that mean a marriage in which there are no children, whether by choice or because of infertility, is invalid or less of a marriage?

Honestly, I fail to see how two people, who wish to commit to one another, and want legal protections for that committed relationship, affect me in any way. It would not deminish my relationship with my wife (if I currently had one) in any way, and could in no way threaten that relationship.

The only issue I have with the concept of ‘same sex marriage’ is the word “marriage”. I am linguistically a little old fashioned in that respect, I suppose, and see no real reason for commandeering and redefinition the word when the legal recourse of some other “civil union” or “domestic union”, with the same legal recognition, rights and responsibilities would serve as well. I just loathe ‘political correctness’ and see this phrase as just that. The GLBT community could disarm mass portions of opposition to the real goal of legal recognition and protections, if that word, “marriage”, were removed from the debate. Make up a word, people do that all the time, and use that, rather than the word “marriage”. Call it ‘galebitriage’, legally define it as desired, and much of the opposition (and all of my negligible reservations) are gone.

Old Bearkat":utzqbjpb said:
The democratic party has been pursuing crony capitalism for a lot longer than the republicans. Remember Boss Tweed? Lyndon Johnson and Brown & Root and the TV/radio stations in Austin? FDR and his favortism towards corporations that helped him politically? Andy Jackson and his newspapers?
While you are factually correct about the early roots of the Democratic party and crony capitalism, my intent was to indicate the PERCEPTION held by the dumb masses that the GOP is the party of (to paraphrase the OWS group) “those evil, disgusting, polluting, racist, homophobic, exploitive rich people and corporations.” Strangely enough, the Community Organiser-in-Chief is beginning to (albeit unintentionally and out of his own ineptitude) shed the light on the crony capitalism in the Democrat Party today.
CowboyP":utzqbjpb said:
The United States was based on Christian Morals. Neither abortion (murder of a fetus Exodus 20:13), nor gay marriage (acceptance of sexual immorality 1Timothy 1:10) should be legal. Republicans' opposition to both is commendable.
No, sorry... The United States Constitution was based on the philosophies of Montesquieu and Locke, to a lesser degree, Rousseau, upon the writings of Hobbes, Coke and Blackstone, and on the natural rights of man, whether that man believes in the same deity as you or whether he has one less or 100 more deities.
The Political Compass

There’s abundant evidence for the need of it. The old one-dimensional categories of ‘right’ and ‘left’, established for the seating arrangement of the French National Assembly of 1789, are overly simplistic for today’s complex political landscape. For example, who are the ‘conservatives’ in today’s Russia? Are they the unreconstructed Stalinists, or the reformers who have adopted the right-wing views of conservatives like Margaret Thatcher?

On the standard left-right scale, how do you distinguish leftists like Stalin and Gandhi? It’s not sufficient to say that Stalin was simply more left than Gandhi. There are fundamental political differences between them that the old categories on their own can’t explain. Similarly, we generally describe social reactionaries as ‘right-wingers’, yet that leaves left-wing reactionaries like Robert Mugabe and Pol Pot off the hook.

That’s about as much as we should tell you for now. After you’ve responded to the following propositions during the next 3-5 minutes, all will be explained. In each instance, you’re asked to choose the response that best describes your feeling: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree or Strongly Agree. At the end of the test, you’ll be given the compass, with your own special position on it.

The test presented on this website is entirely anonymous. None of your personal details are required, and nothing about your result is recorded or logged in any way. The answers are only used to calculate your reading, and cannot be accessed by anyone, ever.
Here is a link to the test. First impressions are best; don’t try to ‘game’ the test. It will only take you 3-5 minutes. When you get to the results, save your graph and post it here, with your reaction to the test and the results.

My political leanings should be evident from previous posts, but to make them as clear and concise as possible, I am a minarchist libertarian (small ‘l’, not a member of the party), borderline anarcho-capitalist, and Constitutionalist. I’ll post where I fit on the Political Compass (below), and I am curious where most folks here fit.

You may be surprised.

Where I am on the Political Compass
How will you compare to:

Historical Figures
  • axeswithnames.gif
International Figures
  • internationalchart.gif
2004 Presidential Candidates
  • USelection2004.gif
2008 Presidential Primary Candidates
  • usprimaries_2008.png
Well I fell right on top of that Gandhi guy. Guess tomorrow it's barefoot and in a robe for me ... but that rice bowls still gonna hold a t-bone when I can afford it.
Jerry Pournell has been advocating this plot for many years. BTW...6.5, 0.97 for me

If you could get Hitler and Stalin to sit down together and avoid economics, the two diehard authoritarians would find plenty of common ground.

Even though they never met each other personally, both men completely understood the other. National Socialism/Fascism was accepted by the international Socialist movement as a socialist entity. The main difference was the extreme nationalism of the Nazis/Fascists. On economics the main difference between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia was that the Nazis did not want the day-to-day details of managing businesses. Many of the economic policies of today's Euro-Socialists are a carbon copy of Nazi German economic policies. They forcibly merged all the small to medium industrial companies with larger firms controlled by their cronies, sat on the boards of directors and raked in a lot of taxes and a percentage of the profits. Like the Euro-Socialists of today, they did not want to kill the golden goose, only control it. The Soviets under Stalin completely took over the economy in all aspects by 1926.

That is one reason Stalin was so completely shocked by the German invasion in June 1941, even though he was also planning an invasion of Germany in the spring of 1942 or 1943. He thought Hitler would not stop in the West until he had subdued England.
I can't believe you guys are entertaining the political hackery of the Johnny-come-lately.

That test is at least 5 years old. His views are that of a Paulian. He provides no substantive proof of his positions, and yet no one but myself has called him on it.

DO you folks never venture onto a political discussion board? This guy portrays himself as some sort of intellectual, yet cannot be bothered to back up his position with a single fact.

Until he makes an attempt to back himself up with facts, it would do most of you good to stop trying to make your case.

I don't know the proper Latin for it - but there's a saying that goes, "don't cast your pearls before swine".

The faker is prone to making up words and phrases that do not exist in the real world. He's been a member of the board for less than a week, and many of you have been drawn in by the yammerings of a fool.

If the fool could be bothered to actually answer a valid question, perhaps he would be worthy of debate. Until then - he is nothing but a mouth full of syllables.
rainjacktx":cczk5kbn said:
I don't know the proper Latin for it - but there's a saying that goes, "don't cast your pearls before swine".
In Latin it would be, “Margaritas vestras ante porcos ne proicias.”, but since the phrase was originally from an Aramaic proverb, this is as close as I can approximate with the available font sets: שחקנים לא פנינים לפני החזירים

You’re welcome.
A_Whippersnapper":1d76h71k said:
rainjacktx":1d76h71k said:
I don't know the proper Latin for it - but there's a saying that goes, "don't cast your pearls before swine".
In Latin it would be, “Margaritas vestras ante porcos ne proicias”, but since the phrase was originally from an Aramaic proverb, this is as close as I can approximate with the available font sets: שחקנים לא פנינים לפני החזירים
You’re welcome.

I would be much more thankful if you would answer my original question. Why the duck and dodge job?

I think I have you figured out. And you're just as lame as an pseudo-intellectual as you are a disgraced preacher.

Can you not just be you?
rainjacktx":a9f76s7g said:
I would be much more thankful if you would answer my original question. Why the duck and dodge job?

I think I have you figured out. And you're just as lame as an pseudo-intellectual as you are a disgraced preacher.

Can you not just be you?
Oh. Johnny, I apologize; I forgot you were there. You may go now.