Dallas Covenant and Duncanville ChristWay


11-man fan
What an incredible game it was to be a part of as the teams went back and forth. The final score was 66-62 Covenant. I also want to say that Bryce and his kids are a class act. The field is amazing. Good luck to you all the rest of the season.
I wish could have seen that game. I remember being on Brice's side for quit a few shootouts during high school. He was awesome to see play.
tepryde":22eg3vbx said:
As long as were correcting spelling for each other, I believe ( its ) is suppose to be spelled ( it's ). :lol:

Actually coach, b4whofan is correct.
Its = contraction for "it is"
It's = a possession of the next object. (i.e. - It's color is black)

One of those weird English exceptions.
The radio station has lost its license.
The golden retriever is known for its gentle personality.
I was a History major not English.

It's has no other meanings--only "it is" and "it has."
So, when to use "its" and when to use "it's"?

It's : The apostrophe (') in this case stands in for missing letter(s). It's is a short form of "It is" or "It has".
It's a bright day => It is a bright day.
It's been a long time => It has been a long time.
It's common-sense! => It is common-sense!

Though not wrong, it is uncommon to see "it's" at the end of a sentence as in, "That is the way it's".

In general, 's would stand for "of something". "Arjun's pen" => "Pen of Arjun" or "Pen belonging to Arjun". Though similar, "It's" does not mean "belonging to it".
That distinction goes to ........

Its : Yes, its means "of it" or "belonging to it".
I have a pen. Its colour is black.
That's my cat and these are its kittens. (Note that "That's" stands for "That is").

I am not an english major or private either, but I believe this states my point. But thanks for all those who came to my defense. :roll:
tepryde":f4r5iu9p said:
So, when to use "its" and when to use "it's"?

It's : The apostrophe (') in this case stands in for missing letter(s). It's is a short form of "It is" or "It has".
It's a bright day => It is a bright day.
It's been a long time => It has been a long time.
It's common-sense! => It is common-sense!

Though not wrong, it is uncommon to see "it's" at the end of a sentence as in, "That is the way it's".

In general, 's would stand for "of something". "Arjun's pen" => "Pen of Arjun" or "Pen belonging to Arjun". Though similar, "It's" does not mean "belonging to it".
That distinction goes to ........

Its : Yes, its means "of it" or "belonging to it".
I have a pen. Its colour is black.
That's my cat and these are its kittens. (Note that "That's" stands for "That is").

I am not an english major or private either, but I believe this states my point. But thanks for all those who came to my defense. :roll:

Hey, Brother Robert ... I just might ban you from the board for givin' English lessons on this board. 'Course, I'm kinda grouchy 'cause Dallas leads 20-9 ...
What a game and what a field. It is already a class A field that TAPPS should consider using for playoff games.

Once Covenant gets everything completed there will be few in the state with a better playing field or stadium.

As for the great 2008 It Debate, think I'm getting dizzy.
Nuttin' like a english lessin' breakin' out on a foozeball board . . .

Back to our originally scheduled programming . . . I actually got to see the new field as I was driving by on 635 from the Lucas Christian-Crowley Nazarene Christian matchup over to Fort Worth for that strange crowded field game they had going on over there. It might as well been a sixman shootout with all those points scored over at FWC Saturday night.

Looked very nice!