D-vill christway over Tsca?

Tyler Street looks very strong this year - next week's game will tell the tale, but I see this as a toss-up. I remember watching a St. Alban's team (when they played) sneak up on a lot of teams in their 2nd year of play and no one thought that much of them until district games started. Tyler Street is building confidence every week and they beat up on Balch Springs, who some picked ahead of them in district. So, no reason to think that Duncanville is preordained to take district. They better take Tyler Street very seriously or the homecoming game for Christway could be over by the half and on the short end.
Well, that's funny that you say Balch Springs was picked over Tyler Street. Actually you are completely false. BSCA has a new coaching staff and a young team. Actually BSCA was picked to lose yesterday.
These are definitely the two best teams in this district, and two of the better teams in Div-II. Both teams are very talented, very athletic, with a lot of speed. Should be a great game but I think Christway is a little stronger top to bottom, and has a little more depth. Christway will win by 20+ to take the district title.
Seeing both teams play...Christway has the edge. I don't think TS has the speed to keep up with #3 and #8. It'll be a good one though...The Street is very talented and tough to stop. Good athletes and well coached. Coach Favors has done a good job with those boys.
James1111, you misread my post. I said some had picked Balch Springs to finish ahead of Tyler Street, nothing more. You actually participated in the string where Emanuel said that he picked Balch Springs to finish ahead and others said that Balch Springs could be the surprise of District 2. This was in no way an indication of a pick on the game between Tyler Street and Balch Springs - only an observation that opinions were mixed. In any case, I shall be at the game between Christway and Tyler Street to see which team is superior.
Running backs TSCA#7 vs CWA #3 Who has the edge?
Quarter Backs TSCA #8 vs CWA #8 Who has the edge?
WR's TSCA #10 vs CWA #5 Who has the edge?
Which team has a difference maker other than these players?
Who has the better offense?
Who has the better defense?

It is Christway's Homecoming. Does that give CWA extra incentive to win or does that give TSCA the edge to ruin the party? I don't know but it should be a very good game.
Wow, I guess everyone who cared about this game has already posted or the coaches have made it clear that they did not want any bullitin board stuff on here. If so that was smart. Looks like cold weather could be moving in, who will be hurt more by the cold weather, Christway or Tyler Street?
Having seen them both first-hand, CWA has a slight edge at all three spots you mentioned - QB, RB, WR. #3 for CWA is one of the better RBs in 6-man that I've seen in the last few years. In addition to his speed & elusiveness, he's difficult to bring down once you do get a hand on him. I think he'll be the difference-maker in this game. In addition to the skill players, CWA has some quick aggressive guys up front on defense, which should help them at least slow down #7 for TSCA. I don't see the weather being a factor in this game..........
Basing my opinion of only seeing them last year I would say Christway has the edge. Burns and Lynn are both superb players. Burns has rare speed for this level of sixman (fastest DII player Ive ever seen) and Lynn has a great arm and is very elusive. With that being said, if the cold wether comes, it could really hurt Christway. Last year in the blistering cold Christway put up a miserable performance against Covenant in the quarter-finals.
Last year, the Christway/Covenant game wasn't affected by the cold as much as it was by the rain and the muddy field. It took away their speed, which cold alone would not have done. Christway played Wichita Falls Christian the week before in the cold with no issues.

And, is 75 degrees even cold? That's the forecast.
I agree, calling 75 degrees cold is pretty girly. However, if a terrible cold front/rain storm comes out of nowhere, Christway could be in trouble.
The Tyler Street team came out and gave us all we could handle and then some. We were very blessed to come out on top in the game. It went back and forth all day. The final score was 68-60 Christway. Coach Favors is a very good coach and a good friend and I know never to schedule him for my Homecoming again, I don't care what my booster club says about the date. haha Watch out playoffs this team is for real.
As for "Old Dad," thank you for coming to the game, You earned yourself free admission the next two weeks. Coach's promise. Come see us next week as we play Balch Springs. Same Bat time Same Bat channel. That phraze might be a little old for some of you kids out there.
This was a great game and was totally in doubt until the final Tyler Street drive ended in an interception at the Christway 10 yard line. TSCA is for real. Turning points - with TSCA up by 14, CWA scored and then had a defensive stand with about a minute to go in the first half. CWA then scored quickly again and led at the half 24-22. Then, on the second half kickoff, TSCA recovered the onside kick but could not move the ball. If CWA doesn't score at the end of the half or TSCA takes the recovered kick into the endzone, it's a different result. Either team could have won the game. I was sure we were headed for overtime.

Both teams played hard and both deserved to win the game. I look forward to both teams doing well in the playoffs.

As for the free admission offer, while I appreciate it, I enjoyed watching the game from the sidelines while working the chains so I will gracefully decline. I'd much rather the money go to the school. Plus, have a wedding to attend next Saturday so won't be able to see the game.
I too got to see this game, and this game had the air of a playoff game about it all afternoon. Tyler Street really came out and set a tone for the afternoon, CWA just did not seem ontop of their game in the first half. CWA really was their own worst enemy for too many plays as they had at least 3 TD's called back for penalties as well as other penalties. They did finally start to put these behind them and that along with what old_dad already said about key drives is what turned the game in Christways favour.

At one point in the first half TS was up 22-8, much to be said about their ability to score that against CW and keep CW to only 8 points. Much can also be said for CW not rolling over and fighting back to make a game of it.

Those facing either team in the playoffs had best play all 4 quarters of solid football.

This was a very good game, glad I got to be there for it.
I too got to see this game, and this game had the air of a playoff game about it all afternoon. Tyler Street really came out and set a tone for the afternoon, CWA just did not seem ontop of their game in the first half. CWA really was their own worst enemy for too many plays as they had at least 3 TD's called back for penalties as well as other penalties. They did finally start to put these behind them and that along with what old_dad already said about key drives is what turned the game in Christways favour.

At one point in the first half TS was up 22-8, much to be said about their ability to score that against CW and keep CW to only 8 points. Much can also be said for CW not rolling over and fighting back to make a game of it.

Those facing either team in the playoffs had best play all 4 quarters of solid football.

This was a very good game, glad I got to be there for it.
Well I could blame the officials for it being such a close good game if that would make you feel better, lol.

Actually, I thought all the officials were about as fair and balanced a crew I have seen in a long time. If memory serves (and the older I get the less chance there is of that being so) the calls seemed to be pretty even in the game. As I said prior, I believe CW had 3 TD's called back on penalties and all of those were legit and believe it or not, I never heard a single complaint about those calls. TS had at least 2 near TD's that were called short of the goal line, I did hear a few murmurs from the stands about it but nothing from the players or coaches.

Well done refs.