College Showcase


Six-man fan
Curious if there would be any interest in a College Showcase in Mount Calm on May 7th? Last one worked out well for several of the participants, but there were so few kids that showed up. For those that haven't heard of it, we allow sixman athletes only to show up and go through a combine. All stats and times are filmed, recorded and sent to several college recruiters. Each athlete get there own copy as well to use for a supplemental film when colleges ask. We only charge $50, which mostly covers the cost of the DVD's and postage.
I was shocked how few showed. Several of the ones who did, stayed in contact afterwards and kept us up to date with their recruitment. It was really cool seeing some of them finally get some recognition, but again, I was blown away with the numbers. I know we should be happy to help the kids, no matter how many show up; but we really want to help as many as possible. We're going to do it, because we've had 10+ already say they would attend. Should be fun. I'll start emailing flyers on Monday, and hopefully we'll build this up to what it should be.
Are these kids whose coaches aren't helping them in the recruiting process? Not trying to sound cynical, just trying to understand why these kids would need a showcase unless someone wasn't doing their job back at home. I think it's a great idea and pretty awesome to have coaches from other schools take time from what they do to put this together.

Let me know if you need any help. Could put some things together that I use with my athletes and their parents who are actively going through the process.
coachbronk":3gtxzp3k said:
Are these kids whose coaches aren't helping them in the recruiting process? Not trying to sound cynical, just trying to understand why these kids would need a showcase unless someone wasn't doing their job back at home. I think it's a great idea and pretty awesome to have coaches from other schools take time from what they do to put this together.

Let me know if you need any help. Could put some things together that I use with my athletes and their parents who are actively going through the process.

I have a hard time believing there are many coaches not willing to help students-athletes with the process. I think the showcase is a good idea & it's great of Coach Satcher to be willing to put this together.

I am in NO WAY questioning Coach Satcher's motives - and in no way do I think he's trying to push kids into playing in college. It seems to me that he's just providing an opportunity.

A question in general: after years of reading on this board about how "more 6-man kids should be playing in college" - I wonder what the obsession with 6-man athletes playing in college is really about? Does having 6-man players play college ball validate the 6-man game in some way? If an athlete has a burning desire to compete at the next level (which is what it takes - because it's a big jump from any high school level), it doesn't take a lot of effort on a coaches part (unless the athlete has unrealistic expectations of the level they want to play at or have geographical restrictions in regards to where they play). Any coach who cares about their kids will do what it takes to help their athletes play at the next level if the athlete chooses to do so. That being said - I've seen too many kids get pushed into the "you should go play in college" trap, only to do so & pick a school based on athletics rather than looking at the bigger picture (what they'll be doing once they have the degree in hand & how much money they paid - or will owe - to receive that degree). When that happens, that's when the athlete has received the real disservice.
I would like to see how one of these is put on.

And I hate to be the one to say this but I've known multiple coaches, counselors, Sup'ts and Princs. at 6man schools who did nothing to help their athletes with college so...
It's probably best if the boys are taught to take the initiative to pursue their goals. Like going to a showcase.
This isn't necessarily intended specifically for the athlete whose coach isn't helping. First, it gets them film of the same drills they're asked to do on the Junior days at the colleges, which most of our kids and coaches aren't invited to, or didn't know about. Second, this film can be sent with game film and highlight films, just to give the recruiter more to see. Lastly, this is an opportunity for the athletes and parents to get a little help in the process of finding a college. Not necessarily for athletics, but anything to continue their education after High School. Most parents have no clue the importance of the big three (1. 2.5 or better gpa, 2. Top 50% of class, 3. 18 or better on ACT). Some don't know how the college visits work, or who to contact. Some have never even heard of FAFSA or that you're not committed to a college just because you apply.

This event is definitely not a money maker, but will more than cover the cost of the DVD's and postage. I just want to help any athlete out there looking for a chance. Doesn't mean they will make it athletically, but I want them to know they can go to college if they really desire to have a college education. And some, can get some of that college paid for if they're capable of handling the demands. I never push an athlete into college athletics, but I do push to make sure they realize a college education is a possibility. I try and provide my kids choices, because there's nothing worse than feeling trapped, with no choices.
coachsatcher":30igeljl said:
This isn't necessarily intended specifically for the athlete whose coach isn't helping. First, it gets them film of the same drills they're asked to do on the Junior days at the colleges, which most of our kids and coaches aren't invited to, or didn't know about. Second, this film can be sent with game film and highlight films, just to give the recruiter more to see. Lastly, this is an opportunity for the athletes and parents to get a little help in the process of finding a college. Not necessarily for athletics, but anything to continue their education after High School. Most parents have no clue the importance of the big three (1. 2.5 or better gpa, 2. Top 50% of class, 3. 18 or better on ACT). Some don't know how the college visits work, or who to contact. Some have never even heard of FAFSA or that you're not committed to a college just because you apply.

This event is definitely not a money maker, but will more than cover the cost of the DVD's and postage. I just want to help any athlete out there looking for a chance. Doesn't mean they will make it athletically, but I want them to know they can go to college if they really desire to have a college education. And some, can get some of that college paid for if they're capable of handling the demands. I never push an athlete into college athletics, but I do push to make sure they realize a college education is a possibility. I try and provide my kids choices, because there's nothing worse than feeling trapped, with no choices.


I think its great that you're willing to put this on and help the kids. Thanks for the info. and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Coachsatcher, all of your points are good people would be surprised that indeed the player will be sometimes left to fend for themselves when it comes to college, the process can be overwhelming one problem is many of the students don't have the conversation with counselor or some teacher who really gives a [you get the picure] and while many of the players won't be college level talent at 1 or 2 level they might just be able to play division 3 ball and still start the education journey to whatever their passion may be the combine will be a help to those who find the way into it.

We play a independent schedule and schedule regional and national teams, that way our players can have the opportunity to possibly be seen by scouts who would be looking at a player on one of those teams, we don't recruit any other teams we play players as there are more than enough talented players not already playing on a team but you would be surprised how many of the considered top six man teams in Texas feel they can't stack up against an academy football program, the games we play are not so much about which team is better but it give the player a real gage of where his talent is verses players of or better than his talent that's what he will find when he goes to a college combine where he is no longer the fastest player on the field.
I would love to have more information about this showcase for my son. We didn't hear anything about this last year. I will check his schedule and make certain it doesn't conflict with track. Last year i think there was a regional meet they were in. Please post a link to the forms and away to submit them.
ol' gus":32nkrcy2 said:
I would like to see how one of these is put on.

And I hate to be the one to say this but I've known multiple coaches, counselors, Sup'ts and Princs. at 6man schools who did nothing to help their athletes with college so...
It's probably best if the boys are taught to take the initiative to pursue their goals. Like going to a showcase.

If you've seen this that's unfortunate - I've been fortunate to have taught/coached in schools where this is not an issue.
I think I mentioned this before, in the 90s where I came from we had 1 kid that went on to play at Georgetown close to Austin. His mom did his recruitment. No one else permoted him.
The Showcase is confirmed. It will be held at the football field in Mount Calm on May 7th starting at 9:30am. Entry fee is $50 and you will receive a dvd of the days events. Please feel free to email me and I can send you the flyer and liability waiver. I can't get it to upload on here.

Chad Satcher
[email protected]