Change My Mind 2.0

What would the cutoff numbers be if you had 3 divisions? Every 35 kids maybe? 1-35, 36-70, 71-105?
TAIAO has a pretty elegant solution:

TAIAO has three football divisions (DI, DII & DIII) which are separated by the number of players on a team. Each year the Football Committee sets the divisions based upon the roster numbers for each division. in 2024, the divisions were Div III (6-14 players), Div II (15-20 players) and DI (21+ players).


Before doing away with divisions I would rather see the existing 12 just be called something else aside from divisions. 12A down to 1A or some other moniker...doesn't matter.

The way we do it now is LOADS better than having wide population gaps...3A back in the bad old days had teams with ~470 playing teams with close to 1000 in the same district.

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TAIAO has a pretty elegant solution:

TAIAO has three football divisions (DI, DII & DIII) which are separated by the number of players on a team. Each year the Football Committee sets the divisions based upon the roster numbers for each division. in 2024, the divisions were Div III (6-14 players), Div II (15-20 players) and DI (21+ players).
Correct me if I’m wrong, all or partial. TAIAO is home school and these kids have to pay out of pocket to play on these teams? Uil is, attend school and be eligible. There is money from students involved but nothing like TAIAO or private schools. It might be an advantage to have large teams in TAIAO because that means more money. If it was number of players on team in UIL, a lot, most, or all coaches would keep number of players to play in DIII and put everyone else on JV. Some of the UIL teams only have 7 or 8 total players on team now so they sure couldn’t compete with a school with 104 in high school but only carrying small numbers on varsity to stay DIII. 21+ is a lot of players on varsity for 6man anyway. My opinion, it’s ok in UIL as is.

How many of the approximately 60 schools that don't play football might opt to play if we had roster based alignments like TAIAO or something similar?

It is home school/charter schools. I agree 21 kids is a lot on a six man squad. It would require some integrity on the part of the coaches to follow something like this in public schools.

I have seen others advocating for returning to the 99.9/100-199 number for six man, similar to the 6 man/11 man 1A split from way back.

I am not in favor of anything in particular, except similar population schools playing each other in district and play offs. A school with 20 kids may opt out of football altogether in a district filled with 60 kid DII schools...I believe we would have LESS if we were required to play schools that are all the way up to 104.5 as district matchups. 46 in our school at the moment -- I would think hard about the value of the experience if we had to play a DI district schedule.