Can-Am Bowl 2023


Six-man fan
Hey Coaches,

I'm looking for two players for the Can-Am Bowl this summer. If you think you have a Senior from this past season that would able to represent Team USA and be able to commit to playing on short notice, please let me know asap. If you know of a player from another school as well please let me know. Below are some details to share. I have other flyers and such to share as well. The current team consists of players from Wyoming, Texas, Nebraska, Colorado, and Montana. The kids already selected are All-State caliber players and I would love to take kids from Texas that represent the best of our state.

Dates: July 2-10

Game date is on July 8th

There are two other players from Texas already going, so this player would have a travel companion.

I'm sure there a lot more questions that will be asked, but if you have someone in mind, I can get some more info out. The biggest hurdle for anyone interested would be getting a passport expedited.

My cell is 806-773-3678
Tell folks to text me if interested. If anyone needs the info flyer, shoot me a email and I'll send it over.

Coach Tritz