Best concession stand ever


11-man fan
Miami TX has a very good concession stand ath their football games, but the one they put on during basketball season is by far the best of any I have ever visited. Believe me I have visited a bunch of them. From Trinity TX to Lamesa TX and Follet TX to Marathon TX
Cherokee used to have a real good basketball concession stand as well. Not traditional items but good. Beans & cornbread, dead chicken and dumplings. I have not seen this in a lot of stands.
BTW, Hico may be renowned for hosting the Kickoff classic but I thought their Frito Pie left a little to be desired. I was looking forward to a little "warming up" but the Pie literally left me cold.
It's always tragic when a Frito Pie falls short of one's expectations. I think frito pie remorse is what fueled Doestevsky and the other sorrowful russian novelists.
Dead Chicken is only slightly better than Live Chicken in my book. Don't like anything with feathers. goes back to an early experience involving a 3 yr old bronc and a guinea. The guinea won.