Basketball scores for January 31st.

The Motley Fool

Six-man fan

Zephyr 47 Blanket 20
Loraine 60 Hermleigh 40
Roby 47 Ira 33
Throckmorton 48 Woodson 7
Aspermont 70 Paint Creek 31
Baird 60 Gorman 31
Rising Star 46 May 38
Abilene Ladyhawks 56 Crowell 51
Sterling City 33 Robert Lee 31
Garden City 58 Blackwell 15
Bronte 55 Veribest 15
Texline 38 Channing 25
Nazareth 56 Hart 17
Happy 52 Kress 31
Follett 80 Higgins 36
Groom 50 Shamrock 48
McLean 60 Lefors 26
Valley 57 Gurthrie 35
Hedley 67 Amarillo Flames 36
Whitharral 57 Petersburg 34
Whiteface 48 Cotton Center 15
Lorenzo 83 Meadow 38
Ropes 36 New Home 33
Southland 52 Lubbock Harmony 13
Borden County 65 O'Donnell 55
Calvert 49 Dime Box 31
San Isidro 29 Lasara 26


Zephyr 14-12, 7-2
Loraine 18-9, 7-3
Hermleigh 8-18, 10-0
Ira 7-20, 3-8
Roby 19-10, 10-0
Throckmorton 21-8, 8-0
Paint Creek 8-10, 3-5
Aspermont 24-6, 6-2
Gorman 10-12, 6-2
Baird 18-10, 8-0
May 4-20, 2-6
Sterling City 20-9, 7-5
Garden City 25-4, 12-0
Channing 2-12, 0-4
Texline 11-15, 2-2
Nazareth 20-8, 7-1
Happy 11-13, 8-0
Kress 5-13, 2-6
Follett 15-9, 5-1
Higgins 4-14, 0-7
Groom 11-12, 4-2
Shamrock 14-13, 4-3
McLean 10-7, 5-1
Lefors 1-16, 0-7
Valley 27-0, 10-0
Hedley 11-11
Whitharral 22-5, 8-0
Meadow 12-15, 6-5
Lorenzo 25-2, 9-1
Ropes 20-6, 7-3
O'Donnell 17-13, 5-7
Woodson 4-4
Rising Star 5-3
Robert Lee 7-5
Blackwell 3-9
Veribest 0-12
Hart 0-8
Guthrie 6-4
Petersburg 3-5
Whiteface 5-3
Cotton Center 1-7

Zephyr 57 Blanket 31
Trent 46 Highland 45
Ira 78 Roby 36
Vernon Northside 67 Chillicothe 57
Knox City 47 Harrold 33
Aspermont 72 Paint Creek 23
Luders-Avoca 62 Rule 50
Throckmorton 50 Woodson 44
Gorman 58 Baird 30
May 61 Rising Star 34
Bronte 74 Veribest 32
Water Valley 85 Paint Rock 31
Menard 28 Rochelle 17
Texline 54 Channing 37
Happy 47 Kress 46
Follett 86 Higgins 43
Groom 47 Shamrock 41
Lefors 60 McLean 49
Valley 72 Guthrie 46
Whitharral 51 Petersburg 50
Whiteface 68 Cotton Center 28
Anton 58 Amherst 46
Southland 56 Lubbock Harmony 44
Ropes 52 New Home 47
Borden County 41 O'Donnell 37
Dodd City 67 Savoy 25
Calvert 75 Dime Box 35
San Isidro 46 Lasara 43
Wells 78 Chireno 54


Zephyr 19-4, 7-0
Trent 13-12, 7-1
Highland 5-20, 1-7
Ira 18-5, 8-1
Roby 6-19, 5-3
Vernon Northside 17-6, 5-3
Harrold 6-13, 1-6
Knox City 18-7, 7-1
Paint Creek 3-16, 2-5
Aspermont 17-6, 5-2
Luders-Avoca 9-9, 4-2
Throckmorton 14-1, 7-0
Woodson 17-8, 4-3
Gorman 15-7, 7-1
Baird 13-15, 4-4
May 17-5, 7-1
Veribest 7-12, 1-9
Water Valley 24-1, 10-0
Channing 8-5, 2-2
Texline 19-5, 4-0
Kress 15-10, 4-3
Happy 12-7, 5-2
Follett 5-12, 4-2
Higgins 5-13, 1-6
Groom 7-11, 3-3
Shamrock 16-8, 6-1
McLean 7-16, 3-3
Lefors 8-10, 3-4
Valley 16-4, 6-1
Guthrie 14-12, 3-5
Cotton Center 1-21, 0-8
Southland 15-9, 5-4
Ropes 16-5, 6-3
Dodd City 22-4, 5-2
San Isidro 18-11, 5-2
Chillicothe 2-6
Rule 0-7
Rising Star 4-4
Paint Rock 4-6
Whitharral 8-0
Petersburg 6-2
Anton 5-3
Amherst 3-5
Borden County 7-4
O'Donnell 8-4
I appreciate all the scores.

Highland Girls last night -
Highland won against Trent, 61-26
21-7 overall and 9-2 in District 11-A, Division II.
I LOVE watching the kids play but I find it stressful.

My son (a senior) who has only played bball when he was in the 3rd or 4th grade, played this year to keep in shape for the all star game. I knew nothing about the game and still trying to figure things out but it's such an intense game. It's fun to watch how each kid plays and handles the ball. I'm finding the most stressful thing to me is the ref calls. I can't believe how many calls made are blatantly wrong. It's crazy to me. And the fans at some of these schools? wow....blows me away. I never knew bball was so intense like that. It's so much fun!!! lol It's also interesting to watch the coaching styles of all the they coach, how they act, etc.

I've learned that I could never play bball though......I'd be getting technical fouls all day with my temper. :) And the girls are WAY more intense than the boys.
I played basketball for 3 years in HS. My Jr and Sr years I was the designated enforcer, usually fouling out by the late 3rd or early 4th quarters.