barack obama speaking tomorrow.

Yew knowd, ole Bearkat feller, yew iz rite bout the "if it wuz George W." stuff. Whut gits me iz the interlectualifierin and scholarmakin the media duz with pekkerwoods on the left. Al Gore, an interlectual, c'mon. He cudn't beat Dan Quayle in a tater spellin contest. I done knowd civilerzation wuz on the downslide when he done won him a Nobel thang of a prize. And to make the current president into sum constutional scholar iz kinda like makin that lil Spears gal into Mensa Society president. I ain't reel smart mysef, but I done knowd when I sees it, and I ain't seein it with fellers like that.
6manfan4life":ccwdqvus said:
George W didnt bow to the King of Saudi Arabia, he took him to Crawford and held his hand as they walked.

That was a point in favor of W's general character. The Saudi king is a frail old man and he wsa helping him walk with him. W also did this for Senator Robert Byrd.


Before that he helped the bin ladens leave the country, you know osama's family.

Along with members of the Saudi royal family. This bunch has been getting special favors from all US governments for the last 30 years. Nothing new there.

and before that, they backed his various failed business ventures.

Prove that, and don't reference any of the lib political boards.

Character assasination has been around ALOT longer than 1992. Why dont you look to the 1800's, When an Adams supporter wrote lies about Jefferson and Burr,

Sure, some of those early campaigns were very vicious. But that kind of viciousness died off after the civil war for many years until LBJ revived it during the 1964 campaign. And it has gotten progressively worse with each election cycle since then. Now it has gotten where when you tell the truth about a leftist candidate or his associates they call it a smear.

Also, read some more about what Jefferson wrote about Adams. He was not an Angel either

And if you wanna go more recent try Reagan and Mondale, remember the tank?

Get your facts straight, it was the 1988 campaign where Dukakis looked like a complete dork riding around in a tank after years of anti-military speeches and actions as governor of the Peepul's Republik of Taxachussetts. Reagan was not running that year due to term limitations, GHW Bush was. Mondale's own words doomed him from the start in 1984, all the Reagan campaign did was repeat them and contrast them to what he said and did.


Please stop thinking that democrats invented this stuff, Republicans are the most evil of all.

I would point to at least 50,000,000 deaths caused by abortion as the greatest genocide ever perpetrated, exceeded only by Mao's various purges, as the greater evil, which was enthustiastically supported by the Democratic party in all its forms, inclding the gruesome partial birth option. When it comes to vicious personal attacks, the Democratic party tkes second to no one. Witness the attackson Robert Bork, the attacks on Justice Thomas during his confirmation, the attacks on Justice Roberts during his confirmation, the utterly vicious attacks on Sara Palin, and the attacks on Justice Alito during his confirmation. Read up on Saul Alinsky. His methods are heart and soul of the left.

The point of this discussion was to ask why people didnt wanna hear Obama's speech, and I still got no good responses, especially when Bush Sr. did the same thing, except he actually visited a school.

What got most people worked up over this was the following in the K-6 "lesson plan" for the speech distributed by Arne Duncan. "Students in grades pre-K-6, for example, are encouraged to "write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president. These would be collected and redistributed at an appropriate later date by the teacher to make students accountable to their goals." That statement in Duncan's letter set off most of the alarm bells and led to statements about it being "poorly worded" and to it's eventual retraction from the lesson plan.

Wonder what would have happened if Obama did that here, let me guess... insert ur favorite racist joke. Pathetic.

Insert standard leftist comment about racism. Pathetically predictable. When you cannot refute the logic start calling names. have you noticed that all the opponents of the efforts by Obama to push socialism down our throats is now being labeled racist. Stories about Charlie Rangel's tax troubles are being caled racist. Opposing Obama in anything will be called racist. Even that old murderer Castro is calling us racist for opposing Obama. You are taking you talking points directly from the Democratic Underground or Daily Kos.

You guys keep raising cane over nothing, its gonna get you real far in life... The lies have worked for the public option, which I doubt anyone can even explain properly.

Have you read that 1000+ page bill? I can tell you the public option as the leftists in Congress want it will duplicate the canadian/British system and destroy the best health care system in the world. Can you tell me why there are so many Canadian liscense plates in clinic/hospital parking lots in border cities? Why are there more CT scanners in Philadelphia, a metro area of population ~2,000,000 than in all of Canada, population 35,000,000? Again, you are talking directly from the leftist playbook by calling our repeating of what your dear leaders have said "lies".

Needless to say, Obama didnt brain was your children, so dont worry, he didnt get them to think "black". Man its a sad day in this country when over 230 years after we created it under the idea that all were created equal, we still cant have actual equality. Sad, sad, day...
It was changed at the last minute to take out all the overtly political crap and be just an inspirational speech like those given by Reagan and Bush 1 due to the fuss raised by the original intentions. We are nowhere near as stupid as you seem to think we are.
Well said wise Old Bearkat. I appreciate you taking the time to address the issue with facts and logic. Get ready for 6manfan4life to shout racism again. That seems to be his or her only argument. When confronted with facts, shout racism. When confronted with more facts, shout louder. I am also currently reading Alinsky’s "Rule for Radicals". It provides great insight about what is going through the minds of these Keith Olbermann wannabes.

I will say, in reference to the original subject of this thread. I had no problem at all with the President addressing all school kids. He is still the President of the United States and even though I may not agree with 99% of his goals, plans or policy, ( it is probably 100% but I am optimistic he might come up with at least one thing I can support) I still have great faith in the system that put him there and gives us the opportunity to choose a new leader in 3 and half years
6 man- The simple reason that we did not show the speech at my school is this...the parents need to make that choice, not the school. It is a matter of difference of opinion on our parts. I want government out of the schools, you do not. Simple as that. No slight against the President...I agree with 90% of what he said. I certainly did not like the open forum of questions that seemed to be canned. Like the kid who asked, "Why don't we have Universal Heath Care?" Yeah, that's not putting politics in our schools.
:?: Why so much hate back and forth. Lets all agree on one thing. No person can be President and please everyone. There are Republican politicians that are as dirty as they come and some Good ones. The same is also True with Democratic politicians. These post should not even be on this site. Lets talk football, not politics.
This post is for both sides involved in this conversation about the speech.

1st I want to say thank you to a very deserving group of men and women who protect our rights to discuss and/or argue any and every topic that can seem to come around.

With regards to the speech. I was a little surprised myself to hear that the desicion had been made restricting my co-teachers and I from showing the speech to our students. Being a history teacher; I it thought was a little odd; especially with the speech being given by our own elected president. However that decision was made after much discussion among the parents and other influential members of our community. I will respect their decision and do agree that parents should be involved in instructing their children about the values that they hold to. I also would have loved the opportunity as a history teacher to watch the speech and use it as a learning tool in my own way. No one ever said that the lesson plans provided were mandatory. I have often found that lesson plans provided by someone else don't hold much water when applied in classrooms that are half way across the country.
I have heard many things regarding the topic of the speech and will not make any assumptions as to the intentions of the speech; having not been available to help plan it myself. I also don't know that anyone but a very select group of close advisors to President Obama have any clue as to it's original topic of discussion. and that being the case I will hope for the best as to what the speech was originally intended to be.

As to a lot of the other gossip regarding who started the whole mess that we are in right now, I think it goes way beyond anything that anyone could even imagine. I believe that ever since our constitution was written there have been those who interpret what it says in many different ways. I have not found it written anywhere that says the government is allowed to create and instill many of the programs that have been put in to place; especially since the Great Depression started in 1929. However, there is also a statement in the first sentence of the Constitution (commonly called the Preamble) that states "to promote the general welfare". Many people have claimed that this gives the government great power to do things not originally stated in the body of the document. I will say that I believe our founding fathers were very wise men who COMPROMISED to create the best Govenrment possible for all citizens subject to its subsequent laws. Was this government without faults? No, of course not. They also created the Constitution with built in procedures to modify it as needed. Not as desired.

In my not so infinite wisdom gained in my short 30 years, I have come to realize that there will never be a perfect government that satisfies every one. And that also includes if I were to become involved. Which if happens, my wife has informed me that she will promptly divorce me. The only way that we can pull ourselves out of this hole is by reverting back to what made this country great. And that is the pioneer spirit of challenging the unkown and working so hard that you find a way to survive, no matter how hard or desperate the time may be. In my studies of human history I have never seen a country or empire triumph by taking handouts from someone else. They achieved their great status through hard work and determination and even through brute force in most occasions. These people did not even consider standing back and letting someone do it for them. They took the "bull by the horns" and did what was needed.

As to what is happening now with our government and the new policies that have been put in place and will be put in place. I do not agree with anything that I have seen happen in quite a few years. This includes the policies inacted by President Bush or President Obama or even President Clinton. Most of this is because our politicians are too stubborn to realize that they cannot solve our problems on their own. And would rather do things so completely and utterly wrong than ask for a little bit of help from the "enemy."

We need to get over ourselves and realze that these problems are bigger than we are and bigger than our government. We need to first fix the problem of compromise or lack there of and then fix the problem of apathy among our citizens. If we can accomplish those two incredibly difficult taks, then I think that things will finally be looking up.

God Bless anyone who decided to read this rambling post (and those that didn't) and may you have all the best of luck with anything you do.
I love how you "prolifers" are for the death penalty as well. If that isnt a walking, talking, living, breathing, oxymoron, I dont know what is. Hilarious how a single celled embryo has the right to live, but a person who has sinned is ready for the death chambers. Shows how christian you are.... lets save the cute thing, but if a dirty person makes a mistake, lets kill him, no forgiveness here, lol.

America kills more prisoners than any other civilized country, other than china, check out the list of countries we made:

http://rankingamerica.files.wordpress.c ... iesxls.jpg

If we get it wrong, heaven forbid, but we wont admit it for nothing, even if an innocent man is gonna gie: ... crime.html

Finally, check out these lists of countries that have banned the death penalty:

Its so funny how you people think you're so high and mighty by blowing up abortion clinics and protesting womens freedom to choose, yet if someone messes up, we are quick to sit them in the chair and juice them up. Gee what a great country of christians, lol.

Please save, the eye for an eye speech, thats the old testament, try the new one where jesus asks them to smack his other cheek... whats the matter? That hurt too much? OR is killing them all easier to do?
I just have to ask you something 6manfan4life, do you really think that way or are you just trying to get people mad? If you haven't figured it out yet let me inform you, you know how there are Muslim's and then there are Radical Muslim's? Well the same thing works for Christian's also, there are your Christian's and then there are Radical Christian's. Me I'm just your normal everyday Christian. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God who came to this earth, lived a perfect life then died on the cross for me, and the last time I read the bible it didn't say love only the Good people, I read it as I'm to show his love through me to everybody so that they too might come to know him in a better way.

I really hope you don't feel the way you’re posting and are just trying to get people mad
By the same token sixman, are not those on the left the ones that say save the most evil of human beings, but let's deny the opportunity for an innocent baby to live because of the irresponsible actions of the mother and father? This goes both ways as well my friend.

This black and white politics is what the 2 party system has brought us to. And issues are not black and white. There are times where abortion should be an option, there are times it should not be an option. There are times that someone should die for the crimes they commit, there are times where they should not in my opinion. These issues, unfortunately are split down party lines, when they are far too important to be split that way. It should be case by case basis, in my opinion. But everyone from each side wants to defend their side. Geez people on both sides..... there isn't one right side and one wrong side. We all lose sight of the fact that people on both sides are arguing till their blue in the face about which is better... Mustard or mayo on their turd sandwich. IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!
To clarify a little about some of the policies enacted in the last few decades. there have been many policies that I do not agree with but there have also been many policies that I do agree with. I cannot think of any terrorist attacks on our soil since 9-11 and dont think that that ey will be coming any time soon. This can be attributed to President Bush who was very steadfast in making sure that the American people were safe. It is also well known that President Clinton led us into a civil war on the far side of the world with much of the same happenings that were taking place in Iraq. (genocide, mass killings, ethnic clensing, etc...) But despite the good that many presidents did, they all did nothing to slow or even halt the rise of our deficit. It has done nothing but grow since before any of the president that most living people can remember. I do also believe that we had a defeicit that was difficult to pay off after each and every war the US has ever been in.

Regardless what anyone thinks; nothing, and I mean NOTHING great will be accomplished without a little bit of teamwork by both the Republican and Democratic party. Of which I hold to neither belief very firmly. I am what I consider an Conservative Independent. Not a Republican or Democrat. i can see benefits from both sides and will vote the way I feel best in that specific situation. I am looking out for myself and my family first. And as i have been told by a great man ( my grandfather), "If it has worked for people for this long then why wont it still work?" This was regarding the question of who should take care of his family, himself or the government. He would be 100 now if still alive and somehow found a way to raise a family living through the Depression and beyond.

Just giving some perspective from someone who hasnt seen all that much.
oh look, I can find funny pictures too, wowee. Of course u wouldnt wanna watch Obama's speech, that way you can let your friends at fixnews or bill oreilly analyze it and tell u what to think. Now you can say whatever you want because ur uninformed, and I bet just as happy as a bug in a rug.
6manfan4life":2ft7z44r said:
oh look, I can find funny pictures too, wowee. Of course u wouldnt wanna watch Obama's speech, that way you can let your friends at fixnews or bill oreilly analyze it and tell u what to think. Now you can say whatever you want because ur uninformed, and I bet just as happy as a bug in a rug.

Uninformed eh?
Would you have wanted Obama to be President when we were attacked on 9/11? What most of the left will not debate is the facts. The fact right now is that Bush is not the President and Obama is the President. Obama is pulling the very threads that have weaved this country into the greatest that the world has ever seen. What has always made our country the greatest has been free enterprise and the thought that if you "WORK" hard you will be rewarded. What Obama is preaching is that you are "INTITLED" because you are an American and that the Government should be the one taking care of you. Another question I have for the left is this; If they continue to tax the rich to give to the poor and they make it mandatory to provide healthcare to employe's what motivation will the country have in creating new jobs and start new businesses? There will not be any motivation and this country will be heading down the same socialist road as other countries. How has that worked out for them? I can see where many would like to get a free ride and not have to work for what they get, but what they do not realize is that the "FREE" ride will cost our [you're ]children, grand children and great-grandchildren.
One more thing 6manfan4life,can i ask how old you are? I'm betting no older than thirty five.On that note i am out of here, 6manfan4life you seem to know everything.Peace Out
you wanna talk about facts, yet u give me none. classic republican. As for September 11, who did I want to be president? Didnt u all pull this question out when people were remembering how the supreme court stole the victory away from Gore? Now u wanna rephrase it because the few days after the attacks, bush did a good job? Well he did a good job, until he allowed members of the bin laden family (the guy who attacked us) to leave the country on a private flight, which was a couple of days after the attacks. Then he attacked Iraq for no reason, we have covered this already...

How is Obama tearing America apart? Because he is a black man, the racists r coming out of the woodwork and getting mad? Because he is one of the first presidents to come from humble upbringings in a long long time? Because he is getting our soldiers out of Iraq, lowering the jobless rate in America, helping the people in forlcosure out? Maybe its because he is trying to get every American health coverage? You gripe about socialism, why dont you check on the economies of Japan and Germany? they are a country close to Americas way of government, they are just a little bit more socialistic than we are. Thats right, america has socialism in its economy, and has ever since FDR. Read ur history books. What exactly is he doing to rip America Apart?
6manfan4life":2bcxoqa8 said:
you wanna talk about facts, yet u give me none. classic republican. As for September 11, who did I want to be president? Didnt u all pull this question out when people were remembering how the supreme court stole the victory away from Gore?

Again 6manfan you are taking your talking points straight from the wingnuts at DU/Daily Kos/Huffington/DNC. Bush did not get the Supreme Court to "steal" the election for him. They merely forced the Florida Supreme Court to obey the laws the Florida legislature passed, a legislature with substantial Democratic representation. When the election in Florida was won by Bush on the first round, the results were so close that the loser could ask for a recount and get it automatically, but by state law, it had to be a statewide recount. Go to for the details. The plan (See the Washington state governor debacle in 2004) probably was to mysteriously come up with a few uncounted "misplaced" ballot boxes with enough votes to throw the Florida count to Gore (see the 1948 Landslide Lyndon Johnson Senatorial election in South Texas, and the 1960 presidential elections in Chicago). The RNC was onto that and had people everywhere watching so the Dems could not pull that off.

All subsequent statewide recounts paid for by the new York Times, Washington Post and other DNC media outlets confirmed that Bush won.

Now u wanna rephrase it because the few days after the attacks, bush did a good job? Well he did a good job, until he allowed members of the bin laden family (the guy who attacked us) to leave the country on a private flight, which was a couple of days after the attacks. Then he attacked Iraq for no reason, we have covered this already...

You are obsessed with this, as I stated earlier, special favors for Saudi VIPs by Washington are nothing new. All administrations for the last 30 years have done them.

How is Obama tearing America apart? Because he is a black man, the racists r coming out of the woodwork and getting mad? Because he is one of the first presidents to come from humble upbringings in a long long time?

No, because he's trying to make the USA over into a completely socialist nation and the majority will not stand for it. He is also using the Chicago machine style of ramming it down our throats and that also will not be tolerated. And there you go again with the race crap. With the way you libs bring this out, you are the world's worst racists. BTW...that is also SOP for the Democrats to try to shut down debate on topics they CANNOT defend rationally, and also to try to shut down any argument they are losing. Take that racism crap fold it into a triangle and stuff it. I for one am tired of hearing me called a racist because I oppose most of the idiotic policies that a black man wants to make into law.

Because he is getting our soldiers out of Iraq,

Nope, he's merely following the Bush plan with no changes.

lowering the jobless rate in America, helping the people in forlcosure out?

The jobless rate is already the worst in over 30 years.

The unemployment rate is already over 9.7%, much higher than the 8% your messiah promised it would not exceed. The sad fact you conveniently ignore is that government intervention in the economy always has a negative effect. Hoover's and Roosevelt's interventions into the economy after the 1929 crash caused the great depression and caused it to linger on for years. The various panics in the 19th century were worse than the 1929 crash, but were over with in a couple of years because the government did not interfere, and they were caused by the same thing thing, a bursting of a large speculative bubble.

Maybe its because he is trying to get every American health coverage?

Nope, because he's trying to nationalize health care, where we will get government care with all the quality of the VA, compassion of the IRS, the efficiency of the Post Office, the financial acumen of Amtrak, all at Pentagon prices. BTW,,,,, did you know that the IRS will be charged with enforcing the Health Care of the nation under his plan?

You gripe about socialism, why dont you check on the economies of Japan and Germany? they are a country close to Americas way of government, they are just a little bit more socialistic than we are.

Yes they are much more socialist than ours. Japan's economy has been in the dumper since the real estate bubble dragged down all the major banks in the early 1990's. Heavy government intervention to prop up the banks has resulted in an almost 20 year recession. Germany has extensive problems too with unemployment (8.5%+), and chronic budget deficits that threaten financial stability. Everywhere socialism has been tried it has or is failing.

Thats right, america has socialism in its economy, and has ever since FDR. Read ur history books. What exactly is he doing to rip America Apart?

See the above.
6manfan4life":1k2s22z1 said:
wow, alot to respond to, first of all, i "bash" bush because he deserves it. when obama screws up ill admit that too. that is the difference between us, u dont bash bush, u bash obama becuz ur republican, thats what u do. im not a democrat nor republican, but lean to the left.
Sounds to me like your "Lean" is becoming more firmly planted. You are no better than the republicans you bash and call racists. Some of those that oppose obama have a valid reason for it. To turn those reasons automatically into racism speaks to your loyalty to the left and not to what is best for the country. To be able to move forward at all, BOTH sides will have to come together on some common ground and build from there. Dems bashing repubs are no better than repubs bashing dems. The two party system, and the unlimited terms for congress will eventually end in some sort of civil war if the emotional flaming and the "get them harder than they got us" attitudes do not cool. Time to start thinking logically and realizing that whoever your politician is, HE SUCKS because he is a freakin' politician for a living!!!! That is correct... Anyone who lets party lines cloud their own judgment and emotionally attacks another political side is completely wrong. We are ALL eating a turd sandwich and the republicans and democrats are arguing about whether mustard or mayo is better on it.
lowering the jobless rate in America, helping the people in forlcosure out?

The jobless rate is already the worst in over 30 years.

The unemployment rate is already over 9.7%, much higher than the 8% your messiah promised it would not exceed.

Once his plans take effect and the unemployment rate tops 15% you will see the true wonders of socialism. Once he gets that healthcare taxes thru and some a robust tax one energy consumption there is not reason why unemployment cannot surpass 15%. None at all.
Edward :!:
oopty-oop":842jc1xs said:
6manfan4life":842jc1xs said:
wow, alot to respond to, first of all, i "bash" bush because he deserves it. when obama screws up ill admit that too. that is the difference between us, u dont bash bush, u bash obama becuz ur republican, thats what u do. im not a democrat nor republican, but lean to the left.
Sounds to me like your "Lean" is becoming more firmly planted. You are no better than the republicans you bash and call racists. Some of those that oppose obama have a valid reason for it. To turn those reasons automatically into racism speaks to your loyalty to the left and not to what is best for the country. To be able to move forward at all, BOTH sides will have to come together on some common ground and build from there. Dems bashing repubs are no better than repubs bashing dems. The two party system, and the unlimited terms for congress will eventually end in some sort of civil war if the emotional flaming and the "get them harder than they got us" attitudes do not cool. Time to start thinking logically and realizing that whoever your politician is, HE SUCKS because he is a freakin' politician for a living!!!! That is correct... Anyone who lets party lines cloud their own judgment and emotionally attacks another political side is completely wrong. We are ALL eating a turd sandwich and the republicans and democrats are arguing about whether mustard or mayo is better on it.

oopty-oop -

You give this kid way too much credit. So far he has been incapable of doing anything but parrot old talking points put out by the daily kos, and the huffington post. I mean, some of his rants are 8 years old. Rants that have been soundly debunked time and again.

He can't even take the time to communicate properly - laziness in his actions reflects the laziness in his thinking. I would love to see his excuse for why he can't seem to be bothered to convey an original thought. I guess texting just zaps all of ones ability to do anything but take the easiest way out.

But to his addiction to the race card: baseless and lazy.
Disagree with Obama? Racist.
Don't want your kid being subjected to a day of political indoctrination? Racist.
Don't want government healthcare? Racist.
Have a problem with a czar being a communist extremist? Racist.
Actually think that you should be able to exercise your 1st amendment right? Racist.
Voted for someone other than Barry? Racist

If someone has a problem with race, I would submit is is the text-happy college kid, 6man4life.

I quit being a republican in 2005 after I realized that they are as addicted to my tax dollar as the left is.
I quit being a republican in 2005 after I realized that they are as addicted to my tax dollar as the left is.

You stuck it out longer than I did. I dropped my party membership in 2003. I still vote mostly that way, but only because the alternatives are worse. One of these days I'd like to vote for a party/politician, not against the other one.