barack obama speaking tomorrow.

That was me Terp..... And I stand behind what I said, not what you said I said... read it again. I never said ignore it. I said parents who are worried about obama brainwashing their child have obviously not instilled a sense of self and a respect for the office of the presidency in their child. That even if you disagree with his politics, you can have a discussion with the child after the speech and discuss the things your family agrees with and those things you disagree with. You are the most important person in your child's life and no parent should worry that a 30 minute speech from the president of the united states would brainwash their child and take away from the years of parenting that has previously been instilled. Your retort makes no sense.... Yes, you should screen what your child views.... but you have not been able to screen this. You are just a person who has taken political standpoints and views much too personally and if they are going to go after us, well then, by God, we are going to go after them.

Go ahead and screen his speech. If it is too offensive and deters from your family values, by all means, it is your family. But don't use this as a platform to further your hatred to those that disagree with you politically. We should have had enough of the "bash them before they bash us" attitude. We do ourselves a disservice as conservatives when we throw a fit over something as insignificant as the president addressing the school children of the country. There is PLENTY to be outraged about with the presidency of Obama. In my opinion, this is not one of those issues. It is kind of like the boy that cried wolf. The more we get angry and yell because they got all angry and yelled about and bashed Bush, the more ridiculous the republican party followers look. To me, this feigned outrage is where it came from.... they griped about bush, well just you wait to see the hell i am going to raise when a democrat gets in office...... It is about time that cooler heads prevail on one side or another. Im sick of seeing what is portrayed to be the "conservative" party looking like a bunch of jack-a's on tv that didn't get their way. And I know... it is all because the media loves obama. Well if there wasn't any of those people out there, they wouldnt have anything to show... Just be respectful of the office.... just like we all preached when bush was in office. In 3 years, we can make a change for the better. But until then, i would rather see America succeed and I am not going to be a part of the problem. I can voice my disagreement on valid issues in a calm manner and continue to be taken seriously.
Of all the places I go to discuss politics, the 6 man football board is not one of them. That said, you all that want to continuing this discussion, knock yourselves out. Seriously, keep hitting each other over the head with your ideologies.

For my own blood pressure's sake, I'm just going to accept that I have widely different views from many of you on here, and I'm pretty well okay with that. If anyone changes their opinion on politics based on message board debate, then please come forward and identify yourself now.
the reason i brought this up was to truly find out why people are saying obama would brain was their kids.. out of all the bush speeches, i never heard anyone worry about him brainwashing children. in fact this is the first time i have heard this, so either the parents r worries their kids will like obama and change their political opinion, or they truly feer brain washing, either way i was hoping to get rational opinions, but that didnt work out, except for a few posts.
6man- typical of you to say that the only posts that make sense are the ones that agree with you. Just for fun though, could you tell me when Pres. Bush went on line or on air and addressed the nations school children? Yes, he did talk to kids, but not the entire nation's kids. And he did not try to push his doctrine on them.
I would also like to know where is it written in our Constitution that every American or non-american has a right to health care? Or where its the governments responsibility or should I say tax payers responsibility to provide health care for the poor, lazy, or every illegal alien.
this is amazing... i have not seen obamas speech, but im guessing ur friends at foxnews have, and they have told u its got brainwashing in it, so u sounds like u republicans have a doctrine to follow, the foxnews doctrine, lol. obama is simply going to motivate kids to be the best they can be, what do u think hes gonna say? what could he do that would cause all of americas youth to drop everything, and join the 4th reich(reference to the nazi claims some have said on here, and foxnews, lol)?

as for medical care, its not the lazy people that need health care, they get medicaid, its for the ones stuck working low to minimum wage jobs, that cant get medical insurance due to cost. these people will pay for their coverage, and they r not lazy. and unless u make more than 250k a yr, u wont be paying for their coverage, or do u believe the foxnews lies instead of the presidents own words? just becus the last president lied everytime he opened his mouth doesnt mean this one will. give the guy a chance
6man- ok, so tell me where in the constitution does it say that someone making 250k should pay for your health care or anyone elses. If they want health care maybe they should go into the military and serve their country. No, thats too much work.
Oh, by the way have you heard they are already playing in schools a message put out by the leftist ( liberals) that quotes " I pledge to serve president obama". The last time I heard that, it seems that a guy named Hitler had his school children pledging to serve him! We all know how that turned out don't we? And on the Fox issue, I don't have cable so I don't get my news from them, I do watch ABC, NBC, CBS and they ALL are in the tank for obama, but you probably think thats ok too.
There are so many different idea here that it will never be able to please anyone. I didnt vote for obama and I dont support him but i did give him a chance. Things i dont like about about is very out there. Instead of going to work to fix things he is always blaming back to Bush. I personally think Bush did a good job regaurdless of what the media says. If you watch the media for your information i am truelly sorry. Cnn i will never watch again for how they treated us troops in Iraq. They did everything they could to aid the enemy and that is not right. They reported to much before hand and it got our troops killed. Even if you dont agree with the war its still not right to get those troops hurt because you want something to fail. AFter seeing what Cnn has done first hand i will never respect the station and it will never be allowed in my household.

Some people think its because he is a black man and thats not so true. I would have loved Alan Keyes to be elected. He had some great ideas and some that was not but i dont think he would have given handouts to those that havent earned it. There are a lot of lazy and illegal people out there getting benifits they havent paid there dues for. Thats not right. I dont think you sould refuse care to anyone but this is really abused ALOT.

The war. I know everyone thinks its wrong. Lots of our guys have died. Lots of terrorist have died too. But i want to yall to think about something. I was never one to want to jump to war. Its a bad thing. Fast forward to a rotation in Kosova or Kosovo as the news would call it. Can you imagine our kids being mortared in school? Could you imagine land mines places in our play grounds? Could you imagine haveing 3 of 4 of your kids killed kills just because you have different beliefs? Please if you want to know why we try to police the world just go somewhere like Kosova or Bonisna or Iraq and see what you see that they will never show you on cameras. Americans today dont want to do anything that doestn affect themselves. I will say the saddest thing that brought me to my knees the first time is the Gentleman that ran Garlika Railhead. His wife was beat to draw her kids into the open and the men killed the children and then the mother. They burned down everything and destroyed what wouldnt burn. They man had to live on a hill that was cold and wet with his son who was only 3. He had to hold the child back and he watched everything. Please people think about whats going on in the world before you put something down.
I think something should have been done in 1988 when 300,000 was put down with nerve gas but thats just my thinking.

I have tried to like the guy because he was elected but i just cant. After the gitmo thing i feel like he has slapped america in the face. These guys are dangerous. If everyone played by a perfect set of rules this world would be happy. The fact that we face cowards today makes this fight hard because we have no clear enemy and some think we pick on people. I dont think the people needs to know what all is going on to keep our country safe. Some offend people but they are needed. I want to be safe when i come home. I want to be safe while i go and watch a football game.

Obamas comments about our vets is just distasteful. There are many things i could go on to say but i just wanted to state that I am not influences by the tv and its media bull turds. I have paid my time to my country and i have to see what its going thru. Its tough times in america and I am hoping the Red White and Blue come thru this time. Life is never easy when you are trying to make the world a better place.

I am just thankful that we Americans still have our freedoms. Our country was built around this so please dont let them take them away or a lot of great men and women have given there lives for nothing. I dont believe that. I believe in America and i do believe our first fix should be with the media and how it affects people. If our president will do presidental jobs and do only those instead of campaigning, we would improve ourselves. I am tired of the bush did it comment. Thats just lame. Dont make excuse just fix it if you think its wrong. We all have that as a right as a citizen of the USA. We can support who we want just make sure you support the party that will still give you the freedoms you have gotten from our forefathers that have battled so long to give us freedom.
this pledge to obama is milarky, thats so retarded. i garuntee thats not real. every school i have been to never had a pledge to the president. the mainstream media is not in bed with obama. he is truthful with them all, (something bush rarely was) they just choose to speak the truth unlike our friends at foxnews.

as for health care, again, the people with out coverage DO WORK! they just dont get paid enough for health coverage, and they will pay for the healthcare they get from obamas plan. its not a free ride. as for taxing the wealthy, its been used historically. most presidents raised taxes on the rich during war time, except for the last guy who hoped money would fall out of the sky to pay for all his ventures. or maybe he was going to ask the saudis, who paid for his business ventures before god told him to run for office, lol.

my main question still has not been addressed... how would obama brainwash children with a 30-60 minute speech that he will be publishing the words to a day before? do u, of sound mind and body truly think brain washing is possible?
unfortunately the bush did it claim is very valid... becus, he did. he screwed up the budget, wasted money on an unecessary war, gave away money, and caused the value of the dollar to drop dramatically.

obama has inherited a country in bad shape, and is doing what he can to fix it. the economy is on the upturn in some ways. the job loss in the country is getting lower and lower, gas prices have stablized, and house prices r stablizing. so he is improving the economy.

bush caused a war for no reason, when most told him not to, chenney himself even said it would be a bad idea to occupy iraq in an interview when he worked for elder bush. obama is getting our troops out quickly as possible, and sending more to afghanistan (where they should have been the whole time).

obama is not trying to take away ur freedoms, please provide REAL EVIDENCE if u have FACTS, but we'll see...
finally, how could cnn give the enemies info about our troops? i doubt they would sit in their cave/house/hut, watching cnn to get their info on troop locations. and i doubt cnn gave away info on troops that would put them in danger, but if im wrong please provide with evidence from actual broadcasts.

unlike bush, im not afraid tp admit when im wrong. something our current president isnt afraid to admit either.

most the people on here r gonna hate obama regardless, so ill try to stop posting... still looking for the answer to my original post. anyone got proof of the brainwashing?
I am done with you 6man, you are obviously drunk with obama's cool aid. I can not reason with you. You are already too far gone. Your Messiah can do no wrong. Everything that is wrong with America NOW is Pres. Bush's fault. You have swallowed that message hook, line and sinker. I guess that's what makes America so great, we tolerate all kinds here. Have a good day.

Oh, now I hear members of obama's administration are saying the Pres. Bush allowed 911 to happen. What an idiotic statement! I know he (Mr. Van Jones) resigned after it was found out that he (Mr. Van Jones) believes and said this. But what does this say about obama, when his own advisors (you know the people that HE (obama) picks to advise him) believe this. It doesn't matter though you'll just come back and defend whatever obama says or does. typical of you though. Bash Bush, defend obama. That's the difference between you and I. I don't defend Bush no matter what he does or did. You on the other hand can find no fault in your Messiah. Lets just end this, it is not going anywhere.
OK just to address your orginal question. I have seen some propaganda stuff on the nazi's and i wish i could find it all. It was on the history channel. A quick search yeilds this Its not what i seen before with interviews of actual people that was affected but its some so that you can see. I wish you to read number one slowly. I dont want our children to be pawns. I do not have children but i dont want my nieces and newphews subject to this. Also do the same for number 7 aswell. Just replace jews with Bush.
I will tell you also that Hitler was one of the most powerful men to ever life. He got a lot done with his leadership values BUT it was with EVIL intent.

Now to address the Cnn. Comment. It wasnt long after the war started that every convoy that was hit was set up for what they knew our tactics to deal with them was. Like if a convoy was hit it used to flare out and take up defenisive postions. ONe to the right one to the left then to the right then to the left. It was the herien bone. I dont know how to spell that sorry. That was our tactic. Being in a transportation unit we got to see the after math. An ied set at every interval where each vechile would pull over. The entire convoy was lost with high casualities. Something that never should have been released.

When our troops would leave for said operation of the day they would report they are packing up to go out. they would give how many vechiles and of watch type and what direction as they would leave. If you dont think they have communications among themselfs buddy you had better step back and drink a glass of pickle juice and smell the roses. They are smart and they are very good at gathering intelligence against our soldiers. OUR TROOPS was told not to speak with the media it got so bad. To counteract the media presence commanders would take oppisite gates and and prep everyone to head out and break teams after they left the gate. Thats just because our media. Its hard to fight a war with our media giving away base locations and tactics. Your a fool if you cant see it. The battle field is no place for the media. Other countries will not allow it. Other countries dont report everything on there media. I really hate the media and i am sorry but after losing friends i wont forgive them. It will not happen.

Something else to think about. The bs at colombine. They now say the kids wasnt wearing trench coats. I remember i was in school and trench coats was immediately banned. We had students removed from school for wearing them. No if kids arent brain washed then way since that media broadcast of the school shoots has the school shooting went up so much? It happened before colombine but you never heard about it. Some evil ideas dont need to be passed to those youth that just want to be like someone else.
I am just wondering what your postion is on 9/11. If you was in charge what would you have done if a terrorist group would have done that? Honestly? Have you ever listened to The Hag. Maybe you should listen to the song Walking of the Fighting side of me. Buddy you better believe if you take a cheap shot at us your going to get our return. The day we allow terrorist to get away with something as horrible as that, will be the day the flag comes down out of my yard. We are not the french we are americans and i expect americans to act like americans. Defend our home and keep the peace.
wow, alot to respond to, first of all, i "bash" bush because he deserves it. when obama screws up ill admit that too. that is the difference between us, u dont bash bush, u bash obama becuz ur republican, thats what u do. im not a democrat nor republican, but lean to the left. i will not back down to obama or anyone else for that matter. i simply believe he is trying to get us out of the mess left behind by bush and cheney. its the truth, not an opinion. bush left this country way worse than when he took over, and im not gonna evem get into that except to say take a look at bush's military career, and wonder how he was able to blast john kerry who Actually Went to WAR, unlike ur messiah. but, i digress... Obama is not my messiah, he is what we have now, and he is doing his best.

as for what i would do if i were president is almost what bush did until he attacked iraq. if u wanna attack the people that actually attacked us, u would need to attack saudi arabia. almost all of the 19 came from there. so i would have attacked afghanistan, finished the deal, set up a democratic goverment that could actually govern, unlike now, where the taliban is back in power in most areas.

for those of u who say well there were terrorists in iraq any way, well ur wrong
terrorist are called insurgents for a reason, they came from other countries after sadam lost control. when sadam was in control, no one dared defy him because he would kill them.

thats alot to read, but still see no evidence of brainwashing. kids wearing trench coats or a very few committing copy cat crimes is not brainwashing because there wasnt a majority of students doing it. kids r impressionable, but they also r free thinkers, so if they dont agree with something or someone, they wont do whatever is requested. brainwashing is when people r tricked into doing things they wouldnt normally do throught mind control. how can obama do that?

thanks for all the military people out there. u all r very important, but please remember what america is all about.
i will leave it alone when i am darn ready. thanks very much. i cant believe people actually compare obama to hitler... stop watching glenn beck and bill oreilly, and listen to the man. he has never said anything about hate, he has never tried to control people's minds, he us a regular guy, who is trying to help AMERICA. not black america, or democratoc america, he is trying to help everyone, unfortunately u drank too much of bush's koolaid of lying, cheating, and stealing his way to victory in any way. obama is not bush (thank my messiah JESUS CHRIST). he has good intentions and is as open and honest with america as he possibly can be.

as for roadside bombs where people parked. why would the insurgents need cnn? they could see how the soldiers parked in their own streets or backyards, where they were actually parking...
6manfan4life":2wmweatk said:
i will leave it alone when i am darn ready. thanks very much. i cant believe people actually compare obama to hitler... stop watching glenn beck and bill oreilly, and listen to the man. he has never said anything about hate, he has never tried to control people's minds, he us a regular guy, who is trying to help AMERICA. not black america, or democratoc america, he is trying to help everyone, unfortunately u drank too much of bush's koolaid of lying, cheating, and stealing his way to victory in any way. obama is not bush (thank my messiah JESUS CHRIST). he has good intentions and is as open and honest with america as he possibly can be.

as for roadside bombs where people parked. why would the insurgents need cnn? they could see how the soldiers parked in their own streets or backyards, where they were actually parking...

Its funny you accuse anyone of drinking koolaid when you repeat every liberal talking point of the last 16 years!