Bar-B-Q in Llano

Inmans is still in business but Cooper's is just the best. I agree about their beans. I am usually dissapointed in beans at most BBQ joints but I would stop at Cooper's just for the beans.
I was going through last months Texas Monthly which lists the best BBQ Joints in Texas and going to make my way through some, I do agree Coopers is a great place, heard they were opening one somewhere South of Llano, Junction or Mason maybe?
Coopers in Llano is one of the best. The Hard 8 in Brady and Stephenville is pretty durn close. The chop is not as good, but I think the ribs are better. The place to go if you want great ribs is Big Boys in Sweetwater. They have some of the best I have ever had. If you are looking for great briskit, some of the best I have ever had was at Kreuz Market in Lockhart. If in Houston check out Goode Company. If in San Marcos try Fuschak's B-B-Q.