Available Equipment

Coach Adams

Six-man fan

After purchasing new equipment over the last couple years we have several items that we will no longer be using. I would like to see if anyone is in need of helmets, shoulder pads, and an hydration system. Please see the list of items below.

10 Navy Shell / Navy Facemask Schutt Air Advantage Helmets
15-20 Varies Pair of Shoulder Pads (Most Need Small Repairs)
2 Water Hydration Systems (Dolly and Battery Only ---Would Need To Repair & Replace Tanks)
Several Gray Facemask

These items maybe good for programs that are just starting or looking for additional equipment. I can discuss selling everything together or individually. Taking best offers. If you are interested please contact me at aadams@emeryweiner.org to discuss.

Thank you,
Adrian Adams
Head Football Coach
Emery High School
My name is coach Eason, and I am new to the six man football league. I am the Athletic Director and Had Coach at Founder's Classical Academy of Mesquite. We are currently building a home athletic field for transition to 6 man tackle football for the 2019 season. Our issue is that currently we lack the immediate funding to purchase new equipment for our 20 varsity athletes. WE ARE LOOKING FOR ANY SCHOOL THAT MAY HAVE USED EQUIPMENT TO DONATE TO OUR PROGRAM. This would ultimately help our team get started and help us move toward greater success with our football program.
Beason":1kec3m7s said:
My name is coach Eason, and I am new to the six man football league. I am the Athletic Director and Had Coach at Founder's Classical Academy of Mesquite. We are currently building a home athletic field for transition to 6 man tackle football for the 2019 season. Our issue is that currently we lack the immediate funding to purchase new equipment for our 20 varsity athletes. WE ARE LOOKING FOR ANY SCHOOL THAT MAY HAVE USED EQUIPMENT TO DONATE TO OUR PROGRAM. This would ultimately help our team get started and help us move toward greater success with our football program.
Coach ... One suggestion is that regardless of the amount of free equipment you can get, DO NOT SCRIMP on helmets. Buy new ones, or if you get recently used ones, send them into an accredited helmet refurbishing service (and no, Joe's Car Wash, Body Shop and Mobile Helmet Repair doesn't count). I think the rule is that helmets can only be in service for 10 years. Anyway, I always had the rule that no piece of equipment should be older than the kid wearing it.
Re: used helmets: basically everyone wears a “used” helmet once it’s been worn. When we started we bought all new Riddel helmets for our Varsity. I found a team that was shutting down and bought all of their 2 year old Schutt helmets for our Jr. High and tried to contact the local Schutt representative about sending them in for reconditioning and recertification. They never returned my calls so I asked my Riddel rep for help. They took them all and inspected and re certified them right away. Now every year one batch of helmets goes in as required for their 2 year inspection and re certified as required. If a helmet fails it is destroyed. It’s an easy system to insure every kid has safe equipment.
Re: used helmets: basically everyone wears a “used” helmet once it’s been worn. When we started we bought all new Riddel helmets for our Varsity. I found a team that was shutting down and bought all of their 2 year old Schutt helmets for our Jr. High and tried to contact the local Schutt representative about sending them in for reconditioning and recertification. They never returned my calls so I asked my Riddel rep for help. They took them all and inspected and re certified them right away. Now every year one batch of helmets goes in as required for their 2 year inspection and re certified as required. If a helmet fails it is destroyed. It’s an easy system to insure every kid has safe equipment.
FSCA ... I agree. There's no way in God's green earth I would purchase a used helmet WITHOUT having it professionally recertified and reconditioned.

Especially in today's climate where head injuries are under the microscope and parents are (understandably) concerned. Personally, I think there are a lot of things with greater danger for head injuries than tackle football -- and the recognition of the injury has done a lot to reduce the risk.

Back a long time ago, Jeremy Wentrcek asked me to do a lecture on starting up a football program at one of his clinics in Temple. That morning, the Houston paper had a story about a young lady from San Antonio who passed away the previous day. Several months prior, she fell during a cheerleader pyramid practice and suffered a serious head injury that led to her paralysis and death. In a district meeting, we had been talking about some off-campus locations that did not have adequate padding on walls and posts. Last time I checked, cheerleaders and volleyball players didn't wear helmets. As someone once told me, the only padding used in cheerleading had nothing to do with safety.

A number of years back, Riddell did all their reconditioning in San Antonio and the sales rep invited me to take the tour. They happened to be repainting the Cowboys helmets that day, by the way.

They used to trash failed helmets until they found that people would pull them out of the dumpster and they started seeing those rejects come back. So they made the ear hole big and they still kept coming back. They finally had to saw them in half.
I definitely agree on the helmet deal, that is not the place to cut cost. I might have some equipment that could help, I’m currently doing inventory as we speak. But as someone else on here said, some contact info would help. But here is mine.

Denver Bowden
WE are still looking for extra equipment. If any exists we would be so gracious. We are also currently looking to schedule HOME games weeks 1 5 or week 7 in the 2019 season

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