Art Briles, Scapegoat ?

I have a hard time believing Briles would have condoned sexual assault for the sake of a player or for the sake of playing him.
Forgive me, I was raised as a Baptist but I'm a backslider. I was raised with respect and forgiveness, yet a little fire and brimstone as well as faith. It saddens me that Art Briles was failed by his support system in his efforts to help athletes have an opportunity to overcome past discrepancies. That he is singled out for public beheading is a tragedy. While none of us are without fault, who cast the first stone?
I'm assuming Briles had no say in bringing in these transfers with sketchy backgrounds. But, Baylor did botch this, everyone involved shoulda had been fired. All of this went too far, rape isn't a minor thing.
All I've seen is the ESPN reporting. ESPN has been known to go on witch hunts. That being said, if my daughter had been hurt and the higher ups tried to cover it up........
I'm sorry but if a coach goes out and recruits these offenders, he is going to have to go all out to keep them under his watchful eye, and the athlete is going to have to always be on his best behavior to redeem himself. I think that once they signed them they went on with business as usual. Then, in one instance, wanted to blame the victim. That is a common response. "She brought it on herself". If they want to play with fire, they better keep the fire extinguisher handy. One little bobble and they get shipped out.
Arts no innocent bystander, his problem was simple the very guys he reached out to help both sides them and the program let him down from a trust factor. He trusted that they would stay out of trouble and it came back on him its a risky business, in his return and there will be one he will set a boundary based upon rules not trust the next time.