Another good thing about being independent

Wow. Does doing the right thing include patting one's self so vigorously on the back? This is football. It's a game. I would blame the idiocy of this thread on Ambien, but it's in the middle of the day.
It sounded quite a bit like you trying to sound patriotically superior to those who might happen to disagree with your personal belief system. if it is truly a game, why not take the high road and play the game? Why do you need the right of refusal?
We did take the high road. Even with no real notice of the protest beforehand,
We played, and won even though we were
an underdog.
The other coach knew it was our homecoming and we talked
And texted back and forth 8/9 times in the last two weeks
Leading up to the game and even before that he had several weeks to inform
me what they had done before and what the reaction was to that, and
they planned to do the same thing at our game. But he didn't say anything.
He didn't take that responsibility, my friend, who do you think bore the responsibility
for that oversight?
Oh I know, let me guess. My team, their families and our
Fans and of course me, right?
You can't defend the indefensible, no matter how much wrapping
Paper you put on it. There Was an agenda, With a plan.
We didn't fall for it, and we didn't like it but we played.
Three questions,Which I hesitate to ask because I don't expect a truthful answer,
Are you a coach? Are you a veteran, and you want to put your name and phone number out
Here like I did? No, of course not, you are too busy rearranging your
Sock drawer right?
Sounds like it's way more than a game to you. Football can teach a ton of life lessons...if the adults will get out of the way and let the kids learn. Indoctrination is not taking the high road. Have faith. You can't force it on anyone.
I've read your posts on other threads before. Some people have indicated you might be a jack*ss.
But I would never disparage good, hardworking mules
In that manner. You have my name, you have my number, be a man, call me.
nice passive aggressive logical fallacy. I believe in personal liberty. I don't believe in hiding behind a flag, or thinking that God gives one red rip about our country.

I do believe in letting games be games. Life lessons are not learned in playing the games, but in the persuit of learning how to play said games. Too bad some coaches and parents never learn to teach that.
Hate the sin, love the sinner. I'll pray for you.
You have my name and number, please quit hiding behind
Some made up name. It takes real courage to stand up and
State your name and address your thoughts. Even the editorial
Pages of newspapers require that. You didn't answer even one question I posed to you.
" the dogs come out to bark and yap, but the caravan marches on".
So until and unless you identify Yourself, and contact me directly, you and your thoughts are of no further consequence or consideration to me.

But no one is beyond redemption, so I will offer a
Prayer for you tomorrow, and while I'm at it for me too!
Memento Mori.
TDog my inbox is empty. Again, I do not agree with protesting during our anthem, you and I are the same on that point. I have no problem with an opponents head coach being angry with that and no problem refusing to schedule them in the future. I also have no problem with fans or even parents coming on this board after the game and voicing their displeasure with the other school. My only issue is with a head coach, who should hold himself to a higher standard, coming on here and calling out other programs, which he has done on separate occasions now. I have no problem with you and don't remember any of your past posts, but once you called me a clown I clicked on your name and saw the Groom thread you started, which was another thread calling out a program. I know nothing about the Groom situation and you clearly have a better idea, and as a Sixman fan I have zero issue with you or that thread you started, my comment to you was solely a quick response to being called a clown.. I hope you will re-read my comments and see what and who my issue is actually with.

Coach Harvey, there really isn't much else to say, your last few posts have painted a very clear picture of Your character.. I went back to find your Crowell comment so I wouldn't misquote you and it appears you deleted it..... I have been coaching Sixman for the last decade and I'm currently just volunteering so didn't want to use my old handle with the schools name as I don't represent their thoughts anymore. But I can honestly say I have never seen a head coach make the arrogant/condescending posts that you make. Serious question, do you see other coaches on here posting the way you do? Do you see great Sixman coaches posting at all? It's obvious that you don't even realize you are doing it and being called out for it isn't going to change anything. Clearly you talk a big game and speak highly of the great program you run, but it sure doesn't look like you practice what you preach to your boys. Good luck to you in independent football. I'm sure I will continue to be highly annoyed with your know it all posts on this board, but I will refrain from responding to you again.
FCSA football":1xvvhpzo said:
Hate the sin, love the sinner. I'll pray for you.
You have my name and number, please quit hiding behind
Some made up name. It takes real courage to stand up and
State your name and address your thoughts. Even the editorial
Pages of newspapers require that. You didn't answer even one question I posed to you.
" the dogs come out to bark and yap, but the caravan marches on".
So until and unless you identify Yourself, and contact me directly, you and your thoughts are of no further consequence or consideration to me.

But no one is beyond redemption, so I will offer a
Prayer for you tomorrow, and while I'm at it for me too!
Memento Mori.

I do not, in fact, have your name and number.
I don't want your name and number.
This isn't the editorial page of a newspaper.
I am not required to answer any questions for you.
I am quite easily identified.
You are a self-righteous, self-deluded, self-aggrandizing dill hole. You can pray all you want - I just have to wonder what god it is you offer supplication to.
KB12, once again you lie when you can't find what was never there.
I didn't and don't delete any messages.
As far as our program, which we ARE proud of,
Please point out all of these "bragging" posts I have written.
As far as condescending, I am not in control of your "feelings"
You are. Try "thinking" more and feeling a little less and maybe you won't
Get your "feelings hurt" so often.
I started this thread by addressing some of the good things about being
Independent, one of which is being able to chose who, when and where you
Play your games. I also, without naming anyone, stated the reasons we would not want
To Schedule certain teams. We don't want our football program hijacked
By someone else's political ideas and involving us in their pre planned and
Staged demonstrations.
You then responded by a hysterical personal attack on me and how great I "said"
Our program is, which is no where to be found in the text of this or any other message I have posted.
Additionally, because I said we CAN'T participate in a playoff series past the
First or second week of November, because of the situation here and decisions the
Parents have made, you turn that around to say that I somehow trashed the playoff system,
Which I didn't. I love watching and will attend all the play off games I can.
Then you try to justify the cowardice of your new found identity
By using some claptrap about where you "used" to coach.
I first started coaching youth baseball in 1968, and football later after I was discharged from the military
and Moved to Houston. I only started coaching 6 man 5 years ago and enjoy it so much I wouldn't want
To coach 11 man again.
As far as the program here, last year was our first. We only had two kids that had ever played
Any kind of organized football. We won one game and pretty much got clobbered in the other 7.
This year we won 6 and lost 3. Not too bad. Does that make me a great coach?
It's much more accurate to say I have some very gifted and talented athletes that have learned to play football on the team.
(That always makes the coach look "great"), right?
So, I never said anything about being independent is better than being in a conference, league etc.
I spoke as to why it was good for us, then you interjected your false interpretation of what I said.
Your shrill and hysterical response makes me believe that you are a left leaning socialist that is trying to
Justify behavior that is not acceptable to the average Texan and most Americans.
You are trying to distract from the original facts that an organization
Planned to come to our home field on our homecoming and stage a pre planned and divisive demonstration
Something the visiting coach deliberately failed to notify me of in advance, even though we communicated 8-9 times in the two weeks prior to the game. Then when he does tell me, a few minutes before kick off, He tells Me to control Our kids? And you justify that and think it's ok?
Uh... Why didn't he Control His Kids to begin with?
I've lived and worked overseas, they have no idea of how blessed they are and yes, those of us that have worn
The uniform and have served ARE patriotic and don't apologize to you or anyone else for it.
So I am glad to know you are taking your lies and leftist leaning philosophies to other threads. And Please take your brother rainjaktx, with you, he doesn't read well either. Witness his last post.
My phone line is still open, waiting for your call and the deafening silence speaks to who and what you are as well as what your true reasons were to jump in on this thread in the first place.
If you are reading this thank a teacher, if you are reading it in English thank a Soldier.
Friday is Veterans Day.
Enjoy the life others have sacrificed and died for so you can trash the Flag, the National Anthem and all things American that social engineers seem to loathe about this country.
Thank you for your service coach.We take for granted all the freedoms we have.I wish we would bring back the draft, or at least a mandatory two year service for all high school graduates. Also, I hope you kicked the living crap out of the team you played Fri. night.
KB12":2icls52d said:
.... I have been coaching Sixman for the last decade and I'm currently just volunteering so didn't want to use my old handle with the schools name as I don't represent their thoughts anymore.

KB12, I see that you are saying that you are now coaching as a volunteer. Do you know how illegal that is if your team is a UIL team? If your team is currently in the playoffs, they can be ruled ineligible by the UIL!
Amen kb12 thank you for your calm response to me i do agree with you... Fcsa i have no dogs in the fight of your coaching bragging or anything else youve been accused of. I believe in God and our Flag and to protest like they did is as sorry as it gets how are the being held down there not they are jumping on a bandwagon they havent earned a ride on.. rainjax im not even going to go there you have attacked and questioned my Lord and savior i pitty the fool who dares to question God with that im officially done with this post.. ps rainjax look up the officer down memorial website to view the 9 police officers whove been murdered in the past week of all colors make a donation for them and their families may God bless their souls
Johnny, I no longer coach in UIL, currently volunteering with a non UIL team.

For all including FCSA I realize posting within this topic was a mistake. Anthem protests are obviously a heated topic right now and my post rightfully got mixed up in that and muddied the waters.

My point was to post a personal opinion on how I feel a head coach should conduct himself on the board. It's just my opinion and I am by no means an expert in the matter. Many of FCSA's pat myself on the back posts this season have irked me and this last one was enough for me to finally want to respond. I regret not starting a new topic or responding to a previous topic, as my personal frustrations had nothing to do with the content of this thread.
Thanks for your last post KB12.
I would like to lay to rest some of the myths perpetrated about me on
this thread. First, I have NEVER said I'm a great coach. I am adequate
to average at best.
I did say that over my years of coaching I had coached some kids that made
It at the college level and some pros. But my gosh, that's 47 years!
Even a blind squirrel can find a pecan ever once in a while.
What I have been blessed with is great kids. Some very talented and
some very determined. But all came out and tried.
My "claim to fame", if I have one is that I have always showed up.
That's how I ended up coaching a baseball team at age 19.
I came to volunteer as an assistant. The head coach didn't show up
So I had to draft a team from kids I hadn't even seen at tryouts.
That's kind of how I got this gig. A lot of people talked about having a football team over
The years but nothing ever happened. We moved here from where my youngest
Had been playing at a Faith based middle school were I had stepped in to help
Coach when the head coach left suddenly a week before the season started.
When we got here and people found I had coached
And my son played football, I was asked could we do it here and I said yes.
They didn't get a great coach but they had a coach at last. Two dads, that had
never played or coached football stepped
Up and volunteered to help. That was last year.
Our record was 1-7, this year 6-3, not because we are great coaches, but because we
Have great kids that listen, learn and try to get better.
I have been able to determine who you are KB12 from your postings and other information
Gathered on you. ( I also was a detective in Houston). And you are right
You have a very personal, venomous axe to grind concerning me.
Your words and deeds in this thread confirm my that my initial concerns about you
were correct. Your new anonymity didn't conceal who you are or your real
Personal beef you have with me. But that's ok. You continue to wrestle with that while
I sleep well at night.
I'm an average guy that goes to the coaches clinics, reads books and watches training videos
In an effort to learn and get better, so I can hopefully help my kids more.
I'll continue to do that for as long as I can somehow can make a difference or until
They have a Really Good Coach and I become redundant.
So now that I have announced to everyone that I nothing more than an average coach,
Can you guys just give it a rest?
Hug your wife and kids and thank God they are still with you.
I lost my oldest in 1994 when he was 23, they are gifts from God, don't take them for granted.
When He wants to bring them back to Him, He will.
Thank God and a Veteran that you are free to use this forum, or any other
To say what you want. And last, memento Mori, we are all going to die,
How do you want to be remembered?
With that I am done with this thread. What I had hoped to be the beginning of an intriguing
Discussion turned into a personal attack from you and rainjaktx, so there is no value here,
Only personal attacks that accomplish nothing.
FCSA football":15z70wiq said:
With that I am done with this thread. What I had hoped to be the beginning of an intriguing
Discussion turned into a personal attack from you and rainjaktx, so there is no value here,
Only personal attacks that accomplish nothing.

Show me an unprovoked attack that I launched at you in this thread. I offered my opinions, and you returned with an expert level of passive-aggressive offense. You throw out backhanded insults under the guise of wanting debate. You want no such thing. You want everyone to agree with you. That, sir, is not debate or discussion.

Presuming to pray for my soul, when you know nothing about me? Aren't our prayers supposed to be made in private and on bended knee? Yet there you were telling everyone you were praying for me. Kinda smacks of a little more than your ordinary everyday self-righteousness. I hope you are a better example of Christ in real life than you have pretended to be on the internet.

I grew up with people like you. And I want nothing to do with them now.

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