All-Star Picks

Thank you coach Trotter for picking a quitter (Ryan Engelhardt).... Good job sending somebody that quits on the team all the time. Excellent choice. Let's go Hornets
fool i know u needa quit talkin that mess i know Ryan Engelhardt would run u over so u needa shut and dont let me hear his name come from ur name again unless its somethin good if it aint good stay off this message board and keep ur comments to urself
hornet7-5":s9a94yg1 said:
fool i know u needa quit talkin that mess i know Ryan Engelhardt would run u over so u needa shut and dont let me hear his name come from ur name again unless its somethin good if it aint good stay off this message board and keep ur comments to urself
Can someone translate this into English?
hornet7-5":2s7cnl3h said:
fool i know u needa quit talkin that mess i know Ryan Engelhardt would run u over so u needa shut and dont let me hear his name come from ur name again unless its somethin good if it aint good stay off this message board and keep ur comments to urself

Wow you did a great job of defending your butt buddy! Just another prime example of you sounding like an ignorant fool. Way to go buddy. Are you still in school? Do yourself a favor if you are and really work hard on grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If you are out of school then im sorry there is no hope. By the way Engelhardt is a decent player but when its crunch time he throws a little fit and gives up. What do you think happened at the end of this years Knox City and Walnut game?