A Very Special Friend Sent this to Me. How Great is Our God

<b>WOW<b>!!!! The King's Men at Ebenzer,all men's choir!! Truly Greatness!!!! Thank's for sharing Mel...,<b>How Great is our God<b>
Thank You Mark for sharing. It was so uplifting I was praising the Lord with them. What a wonderful feeling, and what a very very special friend to share.
This song actually makes me almost cry becasue alot people don't like to do these But someday they will need them and they start rembering all the things he did for us then they would know how great is he
This song actually makes me almost cry becasue alot people don't like to do these But someday they will need them and they start rembering all the things he did for us then they would know how great is he.

Sorry if u can't read the other one my fault