2a/1a basketball


Six-man fan
So, I know this question has probably been asked before, but why are teams that choose to stay 11man able to play 1a basketball? I feel like those teams should have to play in 2a basketball. I mean if you are going be 1a in one sport or two, you should have to play everything in 1a.
Old habits die hard, so those dwindling small towns hold on to their gridiron eleven-man glory days, but they will not last forever. If those towns want to play competitive basketball of course they want to play teams with a better opportunity to win, 1A. Since they have that choice I don't have a problem with it. They don't have a competitive advantage because their student body numbers are consistent other 1A schools.
I believe they should make it mandatory if you play 1a basketball then you should be playing 1a football as well. These towns want to act like they are too good to play 6man, well then you are too good to play against them in basketball as well.
I believe they should make it mandatory if you play 1a basketball then you should be playing 1a football as well. These towns want to act like they are too good to play 6man, well then you are too good to play against them in basketball as well.
Your not the only one who holds that opinion, I know plenty of others who would agree with you, but as of now, there’s not really any call for their complete removal from 1A, not from school officials or the coaches association, and if those two groups are good with the current system then that’s fine with me.
Why would you punish those kids in all of their other sports? They are already choosing to be at a disadvantage in football, why force that on all of the other sports? The fact that they are 11man football doesn't change anything about them being a 1A in everything else. Some might say you are arguing that playing 11man is advantageous for them in the other sports, I don't think that fits the narrative of most on this site.
I can see both sides...but in every other conference, if a school opts up in one sport, they are forced to opt up in all. Just throwing that out there. Personally, I don't mind them being 1A in all the other sports. They are the same size as us.
My question, if the UIL is going to make basketball like football how the districts are already split D1/D2, how do they handle schools that play 2AD2 but play 1A everything else?
Example, Hamlin and Cross Plains. They both play 2AD2 football in the same district, but they play 1A everything else. Does the UIL make them choose between either playing 6 man or playing up in 2A winter and spring sports?
Why would you punish those kids in all of their other sports? They are already choosing to be at a disadvantage in football, why force that on all of the other sports? The fact that they are 11man football doesn't change anything about them being a 1A in everything else. Some might say you are arguing that playing 11man is advantageous for them in the other sports, I don't think that fits the narrative of most on this site.
Weird how people twist things up, all I'm trying to say is that they should be playing every sport at the 1A level.
Example, Hamlin and Cross Plains. They both play 2AD2 football in the same district, but they play 1A everything else. Does the UIL make them choose between either playing 6 man or playing up in 2A winter and spring sports?
Whiteface plays 1A (6man) and 2A in all other sports...
Unfortunately that's what you're doing if you make the spring sports play at the 2A level. And the girls? had nothing to do with the boys playing 11man football. Making them play 2A bball and track when they only have 1A numbers?
All UIL Basketball is in the playoffs. Boys starts with two games this week. The Girls are down to 16 teams in both D 1&2. Thursday of next week, the 27th, will be for state both classes.
All a moot point anyway since this is a snapshot year, and everyone will be turning in their numbers by October, and some of these schools will be ether be still in the same spot or moved to 2A and another handful of schools take their place sitting on the same edge
All a moot point anyway since this is a snapshot year, and everyone will be turning in their numbers by October, and some of these schools will be ether be still in the same spot or moved to 2A and another handful of schools take their place sitting on the same edge
And I can't wait to see what they decide
I know I am going to get bombarded with hate for this comment but there should not be two divisions in 1A basketball. I think the enrollment excuse is way over used, saying that teams are better because they have more kids. Before any of y'all have the sarcastic remark and say why even have different classifications at all and just let everyone play against each other? Well, that is not what I am trying to say, Jayton should not play Duncanville unless they want to. Jayton could have well beat Valley and Perrin-Whitt. When are people just going to accept the fact that some schools/slash towns just have better athletes? I mean some schools just have coaches that set programs in place and have kids that play and practice sports on their own free time. If your school does not have that combo, it does not matter how many divisions there are, they will never win.
I know I am going to get bombarded with hate for this comment but there should not be two divisions in 1A basketball. I think the enrollment excuse is way over used, saying that teams are better because they have more kids. Before any of y'all have the sarcastic remark and say why even have different classifications at all and just let everyone play against each other? Well, that is not what I am trying to say, Jayton should not play Duncanville unless they want to. Jayton could have well beat Valley and Perrin-Whitt. When are people just going to accept the fact that some schools/slash towns just have better athletes? I mean some schools just have coaches that set programs in place and have kids that play and practice sports on their own free time. If your school does not have that combo, it does not matter how many divisions there are, they will never win.
So you don't like 12 champions being crowned in UIL basketball this season as compared to only 6 champions being crowned last season?? Lol. Me either but my opinion doesn't count for much. If you watched a few of the early games this week, some boy teams really embarrassed themselves in San Antonio but that's life in the fast lane. We now have the watered-down version of high school basketball playoffs to mirror what we deal with in football. Some of those games were not fit for television viewing if you know what I mean. Where we have less competition but call it more competition. If the UIL continues to enlarge the championship umbrella every five years, in twenty years all district champs will be consider State Champions. And yes some schools and towns take their athletics more serious than others and that will stay the same as it should. Nice to see old roadkill teams come to life and win occasionally too. Good news is that deer season starts in eight months
UIL: How can we get more money?
UIL: Let's water down every sport so we can have more state champions! That way we can for sure make more money 💰
UIL: But how do we make more money with the lower classifications?
UIL: Like we do with the bigger schools, water it down and have more than one state champion. Who cares if it's competitive anymore