Aug 6, 2013 #21 T texashelmetproject 11-man fan What type of font will be the Rochelle player's number?
Aug 7, 2013 #22 Hornet Nation Six-man fan I believe its Varsity font, it is the same font that you have on Marfa's helmet on the previous page.
I believe its Varsity font, it is the same font that you have on Marfa's helmet on the previous page.
Aug 8, 2013 #23 C coach_gillespie 11-man fan Gustine will have orange helmets, black facemasks, with white green bay G outlined in black on both sides.
Gustine will have orange helmets, black facemasks, with white green bay G outlined in black on both sides.
Aug 9, 2013 #24 T texashelmetproject 11-man fan Gustine ----------------------------------------------------- Rochelle
Aug 9, 2013 #25 C Coach James 11-man fan Kress' 2012 was same as 2011. 2013 adds an inch and a 1/2 black helmet stripe.
Aug 10, 2013 #28 Hornet Nation Six-man fan I didn't even notice the face masks on Rochelle's helmet, they are grey not blue, apologies for not noticing earlier
I didn't even notice the face masks on Rochelle's helmet, they are grey not blue, apologies for not noticing earlier
Aug 11, 2013 #29 T texashelmetproject 11-man fan Rochelle's is fixed. You may have to refresh the page.
Aug 16, 2013 #31 T TheAmericanDream 11-man fan Sierra Blanca has maroon helmet, grey face mask, grey thin stripe, and same sbv decal, but white
Aug 16, 2013 #32 T texashelmetproject 11-man fan Thank you. I actually made the helmet a few weeks ago and didn't post it here. Thanks.
Aug 31, 2013 #34 The Motley Fool Six-man fan May Tigers and Richland Springs have the same helmets as previous, and Zephyr has a new 'Z' logo but the helmet color and facemask are the same
May Tigers and Richland Springs have the same helmets as previous, and Zephyr has a new 'Z' logo but the helmet color and facemask are the same