2013 Don Hardin Showcase


Six-man fan
Tons of kids have inquired, as well as numerous coaches. Looking forward to meeting new friends in the 6-man community, as well as seeing some old faces. Anyone is welcome to attend, whether you have someone participating or not. There will be a hospitality room, which will have food and drinks and I'm sure tons of conversation. At the very beginning, we will give a brief Q/A with the parents, coaches and athletes, going over the college recruiting process. I've learned tons of information, through trial and error, from the coaches side, as well as the recruiting side; so tons of information to pass along to anyone willing to listen. There's no charge for spectators, so come one - come all. Great day for the six man community.
Cowboy - I will try and give you a call tomorrow. Killing me over here trying to get everything done. Hughey is here, so I've definately got some help, so my schedule should relax a little. Just a little.