2009 Summer League


11-man fan
2009 Summer League
2009 Fellowship Academy Summer Basketball League (Arlington)
Looking for 1a,2a,3a, varsity teams, and/or 4a or 5a J.V. teams

$60 per player or $500 per team
There will be two divisions. 8 teams for boys and 8 teams for girls.

Dates: Boys- June 4,11,18, and 25th. Playoffs June 30 & July 2nd
Girls- June 2,9,16, and 23th. Playofffs June 26 & June 29th

Guaranteed 8 games
League T-shirts will provided for all players and coaches.
Deadline- May 1st
Schedules will be out May 18th.

If you have questions contact
Head Girls Basketball Coach
Joshua [email protected]
817-563-5425 ext:214 or 817-724-9346 or

Brian Peters at 817-798-7554 Varsity Boys Coach