Recent content by tdog5344

  1. T

    Who does Jayton get beat by if…..?

    Lol do you need attention just stop
  2. T


    49 to 6 final rigdon owned the field
  3. T

    Whiteface vs Gordon

    Lmao you just can't stop
  4. T

    Whiteface vs Gordon

    It's so hard to match two teams up but I think you have some good points for sure. I just hope it's competitive 🙏
  5. T

    Whiteface vs Gordon

    Man always the refs fault I was there and am not from either town you must have watched a different game lol WV had a great run don't ruin it with delusions of poor me.
  6. T

    Whiteface vs Gordon

    Was hoping for an educated response not a butt hurt water valley fan.
  7. T

    Whiteface vs Gordon

    How do they match up? Gordon has the edge for sure on speed but I think Linman will make this a very very close game.
  8. T

    Gordon vs Abbott Thoughts

    Texas1afan will be broadcasting all 4 games for d2 and d1
  9. T

    Whiteface vs Water valley

    I'm pretty sure whiteface is a different team as well !! Only way to find out is play the game but it should be an epic battle can't wait to see it happen.
  10. T

    Whiteface vs Water valley

    Don't fall for that well so and so beat so and so 😅😅
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    Whiteface vs Water valley

  12. T

    Whiteface vs Borden County. Pt2!!!

    Linman is the mike leach of 6man an amazing coach and game planner.
  13. T

    Whiteface vs Borden County. Pt2!!!

    Whiteface has Clubt Linman as head coach one of imo the best there is also !!
  14. T

    This is why is why i hate divisions

    I'm sure you do but bad analogy used in mclean I assure you. Abbott beating Crowell might be a better 🤔
  15. T

    This is why is why i hate divisions

    Lol in 2018 Mclean beat strawn follet the two d2 finalist and milford in championship all by 30 points or more so they were the out right champs regardless of division and several other teams have done it as well over the years