Recent content by CoachMatlock

  1. CoachMatlock

    Wild First Round!

    This is one time you aren't wrong. I did have to put in a few extra reps this week in the weight room. Actually they didn't run T sweep. We definitely tried to though. They didn't run T sweep because they didn't have to. They ran all over us and passed all over us as well (mainly out of...
  2. CoachMatlock

    Westbrook needs last jv game.

    We filled it. Thanks
  3. CoachMatlock

    Westbrook needs last jv game.

    Westbrook is needing a home jv game 11/7. 3259330235 Thanks
  4. CoachMatlock

    Westbrook is need a scrimmage 1 and a week 4

    Westbrook is looking for a 1st scrimmage and a week four game. We will also be hosting a second scrimmage and are looking for teams for that. 3259330235
  5. CoachMatlock

    Gordon still hasn't played anyone yet...

    Yep players and coaches alike read this crap. I promise you, not one person talking trash on Gordon or any other team represents me or my team. Gordon is an amazingly athletic team and we will definitely have our work cut out for us. Anyone who knows me or what I teach, knows that we don’t...
  6. CoachMatlock


    Life has been working on me as well. I’m sorry you are having family stuff. I will definitely be praying for you and your mother. Football is great, but family is everything. God bless my friend.
  7. CoachMatlock

    Practice question

    We don’t tackle to the ground ever in practice. We wrap up and have quick whistles. We don’t punish our scout team and we don’t take shots on our quarterbacks. We go full speed but wrap up and not finish. It has worked for us and our younger kids enjoy practice too. I agree with Coach Jones, if...
  8. CoachMatlock


    Each district adopts a set of bi-laws that will govern their districts and the ties if that’s needed. These bi-laws are presented, discussed, and changed at the beginning of the two year district alignment. Most of the districts that I know about are on a tie breaker points system. The teams...
  9. CoachMatlock

    Westbrook JV

    Westbrook will be filling two JV schedules this year. If you are in need of a JV game. please get in contact with me. My second jv schedule is completely open. This group will be younger and smaller. 325-933-0235
  10. CoachMatlock

    One more week.

    That is a great point. I don’t believe any official shows up to a game hoping to miss calls. I believe most are doing their absolute best.
  11. CoachMatlock

    One more week.

    As we enter into our final week of summer, I just wanted to wish all the coaches and teams good luck. My prayer is that we all play this season without serious injury. Its my favorite time of year. I love the feel, the smell, the passion, and the memories that come with football season. I am...
  12. CoachMatlock

    Six man coaching clinics

    The last several years all of the lectures took place at the college. Most coaches just look for hotels or houses near there. The Hampton inn will be popular as will the la Quinta.
  13. CoachMatlock

    Six man coaching clinics

    The allstar kids practice all week and they have cool functions and things for them to do. The coaches have clinics and chalk talks Wednesday Thursday and Friday. It’s very informative and a great time. It’s also a great chance to network and find possible games.
  14. CoachMatlock

    Six man coaching clinics

    The Texas Six Man Coaches Association coaching school will be June 28-30. Its a great time and very informative.
  15. CoachMatlock

    Average Scored and Point Differentials

    This is for Westbrook Westbrook Average point diff Offense 55.5 per game Defense 20.4 per game 35.1 70% Mercy rule 7/10 Post Offense 58.2 per game Post Defense 18.4 per game 39.8 80% Mercy rule 4/5