Recent content by CoachBragdon

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    Wild First Round!

    About time.....
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    Union Hill Week 2 Sept. 4th/5th 2025 season

    Please reach out @ [email protected] or 903-570-3828 Coach Bragdon
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    Week 6 Needed 10/3 or 10/4

    We are looking for a week 6 game. We will travel just about any distance at this point. Please contact me at 903-570-3828 or [email protected]
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    Still looking!

    As much as you use technology to post on here, you'd think you would be solidly ingrained into some schools' CTE program already!
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    Week 10 BOLD predictions

    I don't know who this guy is, and I was definitely not high fiving any officials. This is laughable though.
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    Union Hill Week 6 Opening

    We are in need of a week 6 Home game. It is supposed to be our homecoming, with many things already planned. We can help with travel and food. Please contact me at 903-570-3828 or [email protected]
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    Union Hill Scrimmage 8/10 - Team Needed

    We are hosting a scrimmage with East Texas Chargers on Thursday Aug. 10th. If you would be interested in joining us, please contact me at [email protected] or 903-570-3828.
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    Union Hill Girls Coordinator - Head Girls Basketball

    We are looking for a determined and enthusiastic leader to take a core group of young female athletes to the next level. We are blessed with a group that want to succeed, but have lacked the structure and instruction to do so. Basketball will be the main focus during the fall semester, and a...
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    Playoff Broadcasts

    Union Hill vs. Abbott
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    Union Hill Head Volleyball Opening

    We are looking for a High School Math, English, or Junior High core teacher. If you would be interested in coaching, we have Head Volleyball available. Spring sport would be Asst. Softball. We pay 2k over base with a very competitive coaching stipend. Please contact AD: Josh Bragdon with any...
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    Union Hill ISD Head Boys Basketball/Head Baseball/Football

    Looking for a Football Asst., Head Boys Basketball, and Head Baseball. Spring sport is somewhat open, but would prefer someone that would take over Varsity Baseball. Certificate required, but Teaching Field is open besides P.E. CDL will be Recommended. Please send resumes to Josh Bragdon -...
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    Scrimmage 1 Needed - August 12-14 - Union Hill

    We are looking for 2 other schools to participate in a Week 1 Scrimmage here in Gilmer. We are also open to joining a scrimmage around the metroplex if available. Josh Bragdon 903-570-3828
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    Union Hill JV needs 10/10, 10/29, and 11/5

    We are looking for games for our JV on these dates. Willing to travel to neutral sites. Contact me at 903-570-3828 Coach Bragdon
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    Union Hill JV 52 - Mineral Wells Community Chtistian 14