Zephyr Bulldog Bonanza


Six-man fan
Would be interested to here everyone's predictions of the games in Zephyr week 1.

Thursday August 27th 5:00 Zephyr JV vs. May JV
Thursday August 27th 8:00 Lingleville vs. Lohn

Friday August 28th 5:00 Santa Anna vs Whitharral
Friday August 28th 8:00 Garden City vs. May

Saturday August 29th 10:00 Mullin vs. Blanket
Saturday August 29th 1:00 Rising Star vs. Oglesby
Saturday August 29th 5:00 Gorman vs. Chillicothe
Saturday August 29th 8:00 Zephyr vs. Meadow
My predictions...

Lingleville 48 Lohn 24.
Santa Anna 55 Whitharral 36
May 38 GC 28
Blanket 58 Mullin 14
Oglesby 46 Rising Star 22
Chillicothe 46 Gorman 32 (really have no idea)
Zephyr 48 Meadow 28
Lingleville should kill Lohn. They are an up and coming team.

Santa Anna and Whitharral will be a very close game. Whitharral wins a close one

Garden City beats May but not by much

A Benny Weaver Mullin team will always be much better than you think. If there is an upset in the Bonanza it will be right here. Mullin over Blanket. Again....close game

I think Oglesby beats Rising Star pretty bad. This will be the only blow out of the Bonanza

Gorman will not score on Chillicothe unless they play their B team. Inexperience will be a factor
Lingleville 52 Lohn 6
Santa Anna 46 Whitharral 42
May 38 GC 30
Blanket 42 Mullin 40
Oglesby 42 RS 34
Chillicothe 64 Gorman 15
Zephyr 54 Meadow 20