You Might Be From San Angelo IF

You know what a Concho Pearl is.
You have never owned an umbrella.
Every car you've owned while living here has been totaled by hail.
You to the airport for Chinese food isn't odd.
You see statues of sheep everywhere and don't think twice about them.
You consider 5 cars at a stoplight rush hour traffic!
Your vehicle's suspension is shot 2 years because of the roads.
You ever played with a horny toad
You remember the televised Miss Wool Contest.
When Nasworthy was so dry that it had cracks in the bottom.
You come in to take livestock to the sale and loving the sounds of the auction then getting to go eat at Zentners after it was over.
90 degrees Fahrenheit is a nice "break" from the heat.
You have ever said: "Oh YEAH?! Well...we have the Los Lonely Boys"
Your slogan is “Go to San Angelo for vacation...and LEAVE on PROBATION”
You have to wash out the dirt inside your rain gauge with water.
You never have to ask, "what's that?" during the tornado warning siren tests.
You're a girl who remembers finally being allowed to wear pants to school and your mom took you upstairs at Montgomery Ward to shop for your first pair.
You remember drag racing' on the Mertzon highway.
You gathered a bushel of mesquite beans to feed your horse.
You shook with excitement when Santa would land his 'copter atop the SAST building and throw tiny loaves of Holsum bread during Christmas.
You've had someone break into your car to steal only the rearview mirror.
The best restaurant in town is a taco place run out of somones house.
The best gift shop is too.
Can you tell the ram is a boy outside the Basketball Dome??