TAIAO: San Antonio/Austin based. A lot of TCAL teams moved to TAIAO since the focus in TAIAO is 100% on football, at least from what I've heard. Also heard it's very organized and structured.
It's hard to follow Mr. Taddy but just for everyones informationI, TAIAO has volleyball, XC, basketball, track, baseball/softball, and is working on having FA&A and soccer in 2018. And, we have teams from El Paso to Tyler and Lubbock to Corpus Christi; not just SA and Austin.
TAIAO was started by a group of football coaches who really wanted to see more structure, a better line of communication and opportunities for every student to compete in JH and HS sports. TAIAO follows the same eligibility rules as TAPPS and UIL with the exception of the home schooled teams and schools without athletic programs (blended programs). The exceptions come with strict guidelines that prohibits a student from playing for multiple schools (team hoping) during their 4 years (not 5) of eligibility unless the family actually picks up and moves. TAIAO is not just home school programs. Charter schools and private schools are also part of our membership. You can learn more about our great organization at TAIA

rg or feel free to contact our Steering Committee with any questions you may have.
On a side note, we (before TAIAO) tried several years back to merge 2 of these leagues together in hopes for a larger organization which (in my opinion) would have been the difference maker for both groups. Unfortunately there was a huge power struggle between the two and our desire for unity, district play and statewide participation flew out the window. Whats cool about TAIAO is, no one gets a paycheck! Theres no "Executive Director" in TAIAO and we are very transparent in everything we do - as any non profit should be. We have a very dedicated group of men and women who strive to lead with integrity and consistency. If we continue to grow at the rate we have in the last few years, paid staff will be inevitable.
These opinions are coming from a coach who has been a part of 3 of the leagues mentioned and may not necessarily be the opinions of TAIAO.
Our motto is very simple..."it's all about the kids!"
Have a great Week 4!