Wellman-Union Hosting a JH Track Meet


Six-man fan
We are planning on hosting a very informal Junior High Track meet for some of those schools who haven't been able to get a meet going for the first week of March. We are going to do it on Tuesday, March 1st. We will start tentatively at 4:00 pm. I already have 3 teams committed which includes ourselves, and looking for 2 more. Like I have already stated, this will be very informal. Coaches will need to help run events and such as well. There will be no medals, no cost, and the following events will not be able to be done due to lack of equipment (Pole Vault and High Jump (unless someone has a set of standards and a bar)). This will be a great opportunity to get athletes a chance to run and compete.

Coach Tritz
Head Track Coach: Wellman-Union CISD
806-773-3678 (cell)
Please text if you have any questions or are wanting to participate