Way to go Pine Drive!

The story is Pine Drive came back with a little time left...Congratulations to both teams, especially Geneva..their first playoff experience...
That is correct, Pine Drive was trailing B-Geneva 70-52 with 8:15 remaining in the 4th at one point.
Thanks to some incomplete passes, a few pass break-ups, a stop on 4th and 35 from the B-Geneva own 22 yd line and some key tackling by the PD defense..... which equaled to 3 defensive stops which PD needed late in the 4th qtr.
PD mounted a furious comeback that will be talked about in these here parts for a long time....
B-Geneva got the ball back with time on the clock, trailing 74-70, but on 4th and 15, came up a yard short as their reciever was tackled 1 yd short of the first down marker, where PD took over with 52 secs remaining and ran out the clock.

I, for one, am very proud of the coaching staff (williams & flex) and players of PD for with-standing a very stout B-Geneva offense that was shredding PD's defense much of the 4th qtr.
These guys (PD) have been in MANY, MANY, MANY, close, nail biting, HIGH SCORING, and last minute games now.....I'm starting to believe this is their team style of play or as Al Davis says, JUST WIN BABY, JUST WIN....

No matter what anyone says, At this stage in the season, it's all about surviving and move on...... And PD did just that and they will take on Dallas Tyler Street in Temple on Friday.
Geneva played an awesome game. We were down 18 with around 8 minutes and our offense took care of business and the defense adjusted well. It was an amazing game.

Geneva was a class act. Thanks to all who came out and supported us in the cold mud.

The very humbled Coach Flex. Pine drive eagles. Bidistrict champs
Coach Ware":3rntayei said:
That is correct, Pine Drive was trailing B-Geneva 70-52 with 8:15 remaining in the 4th at one point.
Thanks to some incomplete passes, a few pass break-ups, a stop on 4th and 35 and some key tackling.. which equals to defensive stops late in the 4th qtr, PD mounted a furious comeback that will be talked about in these here parts for a long time...

I for one, was very proud of the coaching staff and players of PD for with-standing a very stout B-Geneva offense that was shredding PD's defense much of the 4th qtr.
These guys (PD) have been in MANY, MANY, MANY, close, nail biting, HIGH SCORING, and last minute games now.....

No matter what anyone says, At this stage in the season, it's all about surviving and move on......

Thanks Coach Ware. You left some mighty big shoes to fill and I know Coach Williams and myself appreciate the support.
Thanks for the update coach. Friday in Temple, I might could make that game. PD, come out as hard and as fast as you can at the whistle, and #1 rule, no matter what, do not fumble or throw an interception early in the game. Take the loss, hold on to the ball. I'm sure the coach is saying the same thing.
All the posts have accurately described this game. A lot of offense, back and forth, and a great push by Pine Drive to take the game in the end. The Pine Drive boys never gave up and were obviously motivated by the great support of their fans. It was a great 6-man football game and I was very proud to be a coach in it. Best of luck to Pine Drive in the next round.

I cannot end however without talking about what a special experience this was for me. I cannot imagine a better example of "Competition with Honor" than what I saw in this game. And I also must brag on my boys for a bit, because I believe I have never been more proud of any of my teams after a loss. Without getting into the efforts or plays on the field, I believe the boys playing this game made a significant positive impact on most of those who saw this great game. I know I was blessed that some of the Pine Drive people shared their feelings with me. For instance, immediately after the game, the man working the down marker came to me and shook my hand and said that he has worked the chains for all the Pine Drive games and he had never seen a greater example of sportsmanship than what he saw out of our players. Another man working the chains came and said the same thing. Though still stinging from the loss, these comments helped me put things into perspective. After the game and after the teams prayed together to end the evening, Pine Drive parents waited for us to finish our post-game talk and team prayer to tell us how proud they were of our boys and how much they appreciated the way they played the game. Many said they had not seen that level of sportsmanship in a game of such intensity and emotion. And then the Pine Drive moms brought bags of snacks for our boys for their trip home (the moon pies were a huge hit.)

As our players hugged their parents and took pictures with their friends, I talked to a Pine Drive player's dad about our team. This team has been through a lot for a first-year varsity program. It lost its starting QB for the year three games into district play with a broken arm, its head coach to a stroke two weeks later, and its center and noseguard to a concussion the week before the playoffs. Through it all they remained resilient and confident, as sometimes only teenagers can. And in this loss, they were upset but content they glorified God in their effort and behavior. Something I am not sure is common amongst teenagers. I told the Pine Drive dad that it is truly remarkable to see a group of kids that "get it" when you see so many adults who do not.

While I would have preferred for our boys to win, I can take solace in the fact that each one of the Geneva football players is a better person for playing this season. The victories and defeats, the glory and disappointments, the injuries and tragedies, the friendships and community support, and simply being a part of something much greater than themselves have all helped shape who they are and who they will be for the rest of their lives. God bless six-man football.

Coach Stolle
Coach Stolle,
You have reason to be proud of your young men. They have experienced quite alot of adversity this season and still kept their focus on the game. But the main thing is the character and sportsmanship your men posses.

Pine Drive,
Congratulations on the win. You guys showed great character as well because you never gave up and played to the end. Good luck next week.