Watauga Harvest Christian V and JH

Coach Myers,
I do believe everyone has gotten away from week 0. It is now called week 1 and goes through week 11.
Just so no other coaches get confused.

you stated HCA is looking to FEEL games, should be fill.

feel - (verb) 1. be aware of through touching or being touched
She felt someone touch her shoulder
2. experience (an emotion or sensation),
I felt a sense of excitement

feel - (noun) an act of touching something to examine it


fill (verb) 1. put someone or something into (YOUR GAMES NEEDED OPPONENT) so that is is completely or almost completely full (meaning your football schedule)
Kramer you missed where he is looking to "feel" game foe ...

I am beginning to believe that Coach Myers is not a member of the MENSA organization. But he posted these available dates at 7:45pm on a Saturday, let's just assume he was drinking. I know that I would rather say I was drunk, than I don't speak English.
Coach Myers is a great Christian man and role model for the young people at Harvest. He did an amazing job in his first year coaching High School football. He took a Harvest football team that was picked to finish at the bottom of their district all the way to the state championship game in TAPPS 6 man DI. He did it with only one assistant coach and a small number of kids. They eventually lost to a great Geneva team. They finished the season 12-2. I'm disappointed that you are so quick to be critical of him and to judge him based on one message. He works two jobs and has a young baby at home so I know he is burning the candle at both ends as well as the middle. If you took the time to get to know him you would and should be embarrassed. I'm not here to get into a debate or to get into a written war or words with you. I just didn't think that the replies were very nice especially the one from Coog. I'm hoping it was a poor attempt at humor. And yes I am a Harvest dad.
Varsity still needs week 2 (9-4-15) and 4 (9-18-15) filled.
Junior High needs week 9 (10-22-15) and 10 (10-29-15).

Thanks Maroon6157! Don't let them get you going, I guess they never make mistakes.
I am so glad that you brought up making mistakes, because while may make mistakes, I can assure you that I would not cheat nor would I consider someone that does a "great Christian man and role model." I am sure this falls under the "if your not cheating your not trying" category.

Watauga Harvest Christian
Violation of Section 138 K.1.a1 (Videotaping of opponent)
PROBATION through June 2016
Head Coach Perry Myers
Assistant Coach Austin Gonzales

Of course who am I to judge? I will let TAPPS do it for me. I will however chastise people for making simple spelling mistakes and basic English errors because it is not hard to proof something before you hit submit. Not because you don't want to get ripped apout by jerks like me and Kramer, but because you have dignity and pride enough to not sound like you work at Foot Locker.

Mr. Maroon Dad, here is my apology:

"Coach Myers, I am sorry. I am sorry that you had English teachers that failed to give enough attention so that you did not make such simple errors and teach that a little proof reading goes along way. I am also sorry that your parents and coaches in your life did not teach you to have better character than to not cheat and not teach your players to cheat."

There you have it. Post it everywhere, I apologized. It doesn't happen often, so take picture. I am sure that Coach Myers and his asst. work hard, all coaches do. I am sure that he works 2 jobs, most coaches are teacher and teach all day (3-5 classes, plus prep, plus grading, plus test creation, etc.) before they make it out to the practice field, film room, weight room, etc. Coach Myers also obviously knows the game and was able to get his kids to follow his game plan successfully, work hard, buy into his program, and they achieved great things. Congrats to him, his staff, and his team. These are not the things that I was criticizing him about.
Hahaha Count Coog, did you get it all off of your chest? Do you feel better? Like I was saying Coaches,

Varsity still needs week 2 (9-4-15) and 4 (9-18-15) filled.
Junior High needs week 9 (10-22-15) and 10 (10-29-15).
Count, I guess I was wrong you weren't trying to be funny.

It is always good to know the facts. Neither Coach Myers nor Coach Gonzales videotaped anything. They were just the ones who took the fall for an unknowing parent. A parent who without being asked by any employee of the school to video or record anything did indeed videotape a game. The parent is not nor has he ever been an employee of the school. No excuse that he didn't know TAPPS rules. He didn't try to hide the fact that he videotaped anything. That's how ignorant he was to the rule again no excuse.

Its funny how in today's age of technology and internet that an old school method of using video is illegal. But that is the rule and it should be respected.

Since TAPPS could not punish the parent Coach Myers and Coach Gonzales were willing to fall on their sword and accept the blame. Coach Myers could have responded to your post and thrown that person under the bus he didn't. That's the kind of CHARACTER that he has.

I know these facts because I am the one who videotaped the game. So you are welcome to attack me it was me and no one else.

I apologize to the coaches, the school, the administrator, and the school board members, but most of all I apologize to the boys who worked so hard all year to have a great season. My stupidity should not be a reflection on any of them.

Proof read is your friend maybe you should use it as well. When does your shift begin at Foot Locker? I tried to look up the definition of "apout" but couldn't find it. I guess you lost your pride and dignity a long time ago.

I'm your target not Coach Myers.
Count Coog":9kcmms1y said:
Of course who am I to judge? I will let TAPPS do it for me. I will however chastise people for making simple spelling mistakes and basic English errors because it is not hard to proof something before you hit submit. Not because you don't want to get ripped apout by jerks like me and Kramer, but because you have dignity and pride enough to not sound like you work at Foot Locker.
-100, spelling

I don't normally correct typing errors, grammar errors, spelling errors, etc.
But when I do, its when someone has made their own errors, in the process of correcting or demeaning someone else while doing so.

apout - no definition found. This is not a word.

apart - a·part (I believe this is the word that you were looking for.)
adverb: apart
1. (of two or more people or things) separated by a distance; at a specified distance from each other in time or space.
"his parents are now living apart"
synonyms: away from each other, distant from each other
"the villages are two miles apart"

2. to or on one side; at a distance from the main body.
"Isabel stepped away from Joanna and stood apart"
synonyms: to one side, aside, separately, alone, by oneself/itself
"Isabel stood apart"