Waco Live Oak in trouble

This is a very sad situation. Regardless of which side is true it's sad on so many levels.... hope it gets handled soon for all involved.
I can't see those kids doing something like that, knowing the schools' reputation, might end up being a shakedown for cash, who knows? Surely, there were multiple witnesses..........will keep you updated.....
Given the massive amount of racial incident hoaxes that have been occurring, I do not believe her or her mother. This is election year BLM lawsuit lottery trolling.
As much as Live Oak plays Calvert, I would think something would have surfaced by now, hope this is all just
a hoax, like most of them turn out to be....
I don't know what happened or who to believe, but the pictures don't lie; something happened, whether it be an accident or something else.
Reverse racism? So they were nice to each other based on their race? Racism isn't just white against others... it's any race against another... our messed up society tries to create this stigma that racism is only one way... but it's not...
It sounds to me like that boy is just plain mean. He needs his butt beat until there is not much of it left. He may or may not be picking on her because of race, maybe because she is easy to pick on. You have seen that kind of bully before. When he gets caught picking on a weak one, he gets out of it by saying, "Oh, I was only playing!" or "It was an accident!" or "She started it!"
I think it was just a couple boys being punks and "picking on/bullying" another kid. Nothing illegal, but if they were my kids they wouldn't be able to sit down for a few days.
SWRaider":3d0l0sm6 said:
I think it was just a couple boys being punks and "picking on/bullying" another kid. Nothing illegal, but if they were my kids they wouldn't be able to sit down for a few days.

I agree, but I also think the family thought it was "payday", same thing with Waco Midway HS.. a few years back,,,,, same thing ,,,,,, white "racism",,, lawsuit dropped. Remember the Calvert/ Throckmorton game in 2004 I think, nothing down here but claims of racism from the Calvert fans..... anyway ,, all I'm saying is that maybe racism is there, but the accusations are out of control. BLM nuff said
Please read official investigation report. You should be discussing 6 man football and not commenting on matters of which you have no knowledge.
Tmoffatt":3klgus8b said:
Please read official investigation report. You should be discussing 6 man football and not commenting on matters of which you have no knowledge.
Last time I checked, Live Oak was playing sixman, and I'll decide "what I should be discussing", thank you......