U.I.L. Legislative Council Update


11-man fan
U.I.L Legislative Council Update
I have some great news for the Sixman world. On Tuesday June 12th the Policy Committee voted to take to the Legislative Council on Oct. 22, 2012 a proposal to recognize Davison II Basketball Schools (this includes all six man schools, 11-man schools under 99.9 and non football schools) as their own conference. This will be a called vote of the 22 member council. (There are seven on the Policy that voted yes...) In most cases the council takes the recommendation of the committees that have done the ground work. They will add a 6-A conference and move all the schools one conference. Example: We will be Class A and Current Class A Eleven-man schools with an enrollment over 99.9 will move up to 2-A. This will start with the next realignment. Aspermont presented this proposal at the Ad Hoc committee meeting in April. It was well received by the committee and sent to the policy committee for consideration. Without the help of Dr. Breithaupt this would not have happened. He is a true supporter of the small schools. Small school represents 1/6 of the number of schools in the state. Softball and baseball may have to play up (2-A) because of lack of small schools playing the sports. Volleyball is close but I think it will be OK. With our football, basketball and track(that will start this school year we will be adding. CC, Golf, Tennis, Academics, OAP, and Band. There is still a vote coming…..but things look good! I want to thank Bryan Davis of Rule for presenting the proposal to the policy committee. Please PM me and give me your email and I will forward you the proposal.

Cliff Gilmore
Aspermont ISD
Just my opinion here....but if schools are opting to play 11man football....they should stay in that conference (new 2A) for all sports and activities. Similar to Anthony playing 3A this year with 2A numbers......the Roscoe's and Bronte's shouldn't be playing basketball and running track with the 6man schools if they are "too good" to play football with us.
I hear ya Coach Jones. If they have football and we don't play em, we shouldn't play em in basketball or run against em in track. Maybe they're scared to learn a new breed of football and get taught a thing or two by some 6man kids...
coachjdjones":ggs2szbm said:
Just my opinion here....but if schools are opting to play 11man football....they should stay in that conference (new 2A) for all sports and activities. Similar to Anthony playing 3A this year with 2A numbers......the Roscoe's and Bronte's shouldn't be playing basketball and running track with the 6man schools if they are "too good" to play football with us.

I agree, this should have been done ten years ago, but does sixman need to be part of the Jerry world circus?
I'll respectfully disagree with the "make em play up in everything" debate (even though it would have benefitted my career immensely)

Premise 1: The whole purpose of classifications is to help create some sort of equity in competition.
Premise 2: Sixman football and 11 man football are two different games.

Just because a school, as a reflection of their community, chooses to play 11 man football with numbers that would allow them to play 6man football, their is no reason to penalize every other sport they play by making them play up a classification.

As entrenched as sixman football is in many communities, places like Whitharral (where I coached), where moving to 11 man would be met with serious resistance, 11 man football is just as important to other communities. They make the choice to play the game they are more comfortable with, even though they know it will make the competition harder (although it is not as penalizing with the Division split as it was in the past.) They choose not to play a different game[. Other sports should not be penalized because they don't want to change the game they play.

What about those smaller schools who play softball or baseball and play bigger schools because there aren't enough other schools near them. Should they be forced to play 11 man football and Division I basketball in order to have a baseball program? That is the exact same logic as the argument about football as far as I can see. Do you think Ira, Borden Co or Trent would be ok with that? Keeping their baseball and softball programs forcing them to play 11 man football?

Believe me, having Bronte play 11 man football yet play Division II basketball would have been better for my basketball program. Having Nazareth out of Division II basketball would have made Region I a who different world for the last decade But it would have been unfair to their kids. They deserved the right to play basketball against the other schools their size, which we were.

And last time I checked, weren't we all involved with sports for the benefit of the kids?
So what exactly would the change do?

In football, no change at all. We will still play other 6-man schools, the number is still 99.9.

Basketball, nothing changes. We will be called 1A instead of div II 1A. The number is still 99.9.

Softball and baseball, nothing changes. Currently we have to play up to div I because there are not enough div II schools. What is now div I will be 2A, but the numbers don't change.

Track, already done.
I am curious how track is already done? The smaller schools in most cases are rooted out by the larger ones in the area track meets. How many years has it been since a sixman school has one has won a regional track championship? Valley won one way back and that is the last I am aware of.

This is not to start a feud, just to state my view that I will be glad to see the small school able to compete in track. Coach Gilmore needs to be commended for getting something done that needed to be done a long time ago.

Just saying
High Plains Drifter":3pyuk2tk said:
I am curious how track is already done? The smaller schools in most cases are rooted out by the larger ones in the area track meets. How many years has it been since a sixman school has one has won a regional track championship? Valley won one way back and that is the last I am aware of.

This is not to start a feud, just to state my view that I will be glad to see the small school able to compete in track. Coach Gilmore needs to be commended for getting something done that needed to be done a long time ago.

Just saying
Yes, it will be nice to see the smaller schools able to compete in track. That happens this year (2012-2013) and has nothing to do with this proposal. So in my opinion, it's "already done".
HPD, just to answer your question about the last time a 6man team won a regional. I don't know about regional, but Rule won back to back State Team title in 07/08. I believe in 07 Sterling city came in 3rd. So that year 2 6man schools finished in high. And then there was the girl from Rochelle who won back to back team titles all by her self. Hope this helps.

Just my opinion, but if Rule and Rochelle doesn't win, we might already have it done. But it was nice seeing a 6man dominate some 11man schools.
JC, thanks for info, but I bet Rochelle did not win regional with Bonnie. Rule, do not know, but you look at state meet and you have a few individuals from 6 man schools but relays, etc. come primarily from schools who not long ago were 2A. Just glad to see what will come of all that.
Coach Abney I will respectfully disagree. Schools already opt up for travel purposes (Anthony)...their kids are not choosing that...their admin is. So they play AAA sports with 220 enrollment.

Tornillo chooses to play outlaw football (for some unknown reason) but they are now AA and their kids have a better chance competing at that level. If 11man schools like Bronte and Roscoe did this I wouldn't have an issue with it....but...they are getting their cake and eating it too. If a school opts up...they need to opt up in all sports. I understand the "it's all about the kids" approach...but it needs to be made uniform for all divisions.