Tyler Street transfers????


11-man fan
I heard from a source (a pretty reliable one at that) that Dallas Tyler Street is losing two studs to 5A ball.... one Josh Hunt is going to Duncanville High and the other (#8) is going to Richardson Berkner... thats where i went to school.... I hope this is just a rumor (sort of)... haha this would throw a huge curve ball in that district and in the state playoffs this year....
Regardless of who The Street may have lost, they're still the District Champs until someone beats them. They're still going to be awefully tough. Coach Favors knows how to get his kids motivated.

cowboy91":2k2dfjpv said:
Should open things up for Heath Fulton. Sounds like they are the new front runner.

Don't know about that quite yet...we look much better than past seasons thanks to some hard work in the offseason. But, we have a long way to go.
True.. they are district champs until dethroned.... and two trick ponies don't do as well as they did last year.... if they only lost two guys, they shouldn't totally suck.... especially with a coach like that...

As far as fulton goes... did they get those kids from bishop lynch??

can't wait to see this season play out...
oh believe me Tyler Street owns this district until someone knocks them off their throne. A down year for them is a good year for other teams. I guess thats why we paint the fields and play the games between the white lines!!!
seguinlifegate":32iapb6c said:
I heard from a source (a pretty reliable one at that) that Dallas Tyler Street is losing two studs to 5A ball.... one Josh Hunt is going to Duncanville High and the other (#8) is going to Richardson Berkner... thats where i went to school.... I hope this is just a rumor (sort of)... haha this would throw a huge curve ball in that district and in the state playoffs this year....

I can confirm that Josh Hunt is at Duncanville and is a starting linebacker and is the second string RB maybe starting both ways if things work out his way. My brother is the OC at Duncanville.