Tyler Sanders A/D Head Football Orange Community Christian

I set my TIVO recorder to record Coach Sanders "I'm taking my coaching talents to the Gateway City" speech.

I'm trusting the announcement will be broadcast on SciFi and Animal Planet and all proceeds will be split amongst TAPPS and finding mermaids.
I know you and Coach Sanders use to play in the Amarillo sandboxes together when you guys were 4 and he took your pacifier.....
No need to be mad at the HOTTEST and UPCOMING coach in ALL of 6man football.

If he's donating to the search for mermaids, I'm all in for that as well.
Let's be serious, he and/or his better half has SUNK the ship at Living Stones.

Why in the world would a husband leave a school in which is wife and family-inlaws charge of.
A school where his father/mother inlaw OWN the school but he leaves.

Something smells like molded sardines here.

I'll be the 1st to say congrats and good luck and I'll also be the 1st to say,
this may be one of those opportunities where you are given the keys to a brand new 2014 bugatti Veyron and the owner says....
I am relatively new to sixman, have only been following it for 5 years.
I may be missing something, but is Tyler Sanders the best six-man coach in the state? He is the only coach I can remember reading about on here. Whether he has a different job, having kids, any and everything I read on here about a coach is about him.
Just for the record, myself and Coach Ware have zero beef. If it wasn't for Coach Ware I wouldnt be where I am today. Sure, Coach Ware and I are not best friends anymore, but that doesn't make us enemies. I'm a Spur Bulldog fan and make sure I check their scores every week. I even appreciated Coach Ware giving me a very nice plug to help me get the new job. So everyone please don't think there is this huge beef between me and him, its irrelevant.

To SWraider. Idk why I'm talked about all the time. I will say that I have a lot of relationships in the six-man community, and love talking to anybody in the game who wants to. This is a big reason why I love the game as much as I do. I don't like to be under a microscope for sure, but some of the things said on here is nice to hear at times.

Other than that, I'm very excited to be at OCC. I'm surrounded by a great staff, administration and players. I can't wait for spring practice and to get to know the boys.

Thank you to all!
Also wanted to say that Living Stones is doing great. I'm so excited for Coach Aaron Martin to get a shot to be the head coach and lead them. They have 3 returning all-state players and will make another run in Division 3. My wife and I are doing great, we love our newborn boys!! My in-laws are also about to enjoy the retired life. So there is no funky stuff happening at Stones, just a change of season. I couldn't be happier for everyone involved!