Tuff One/Pray

Here is an excerpt from am email I received last night from his family regarding the CCS football player's condition and status. We are certainly praying for him and his family and it looks as if there is much improvement. He still has a ways to go, but thanks to the Lord, he is definitely improving.

Robby Update:
God is very good!! The CT scan came back normal, unchanged. The cranial pressure is normal, but becomes elevated when they disturb him. It's important that he remains calm. His fever is going down. It is 101.3. His other vital signs are very good. The great news is that I told him his hair was growing back and it looked red, he raised his left eyebrow and tried to open his eye, he also moved his lips like he was trying to talk. I kept talking to him and he kept raising his eyebrow and moving his lips.

Right now, the goal is to get him off the ventilator. It is a delicate balance between CO2 level, sedative drug, and the cranial pressure monitor. He can't be awake with the pressure monitor still there and the sedative drug. Sedative will affect his breathing and he will likely try to pull the pressure monitor out when he wakes up. So all needs to be stable enough to get rid of that before he can fully wake up. Hope that makes sense. I guess his responses mean he is somewhat awake and communicative.

Praise God!! Thanks for all your prayers and support! God is already drawing others closer to him thru this. We heard from a young man who has rededicated his life to the Lord and is praying without ceasing for Robby. And he is a senior and his goal is to be a surgeon. He is precious and we love him!!

To the Azle folks, thanks for your love and prayers. We would have ya'll to know that we blame no one for this accident. We have absolutely no hard feelings and never have for even one moment. It has never entered our minds. Please know that you are dearly loved as brothers and sisters in Christ. God ordained this! Robby remains in His loving arms. My God use this for His glory!

Your's in Christ,

The Mounce Family

Please continue to keep him in your prayers and pray he makes a full recovery. Private or public, this could happen to any one of our players.