Town East vs Lifegate


Six-man fan
Last night the Town East Eagles made the thirty minute trip out to Seguin to take on their heated rivals from Seguin. The #5 ranked Lifegate Falcons came out on top 70-22, but our Eagles made quite an impression on the opposing team and their fans and our fans as well. Early in the first quarter with Town East down 14-0, Starting LB/RB went out with a broken foot/ankle. The Eagles had to play the rest of the game with only five players. It would have been easy for the Eagles to just give up and go home. That's not what the Eagles did however. They fought back to a 28-14 score late in the second quarter. Town East was able to put up 22 points in the game, which is quite a feat considering the Falcons had only given up six points total for the entire year. The Town East Eagles made quite an impression on me as well. Never in my 20+ years of coaching have I been moved by the heart that was displayed on the field by a group of young men. I just want to personally say that I was in awe last night just watching these young men come together and fight to the end. I have been asking myself this question all night long, "why can't we as individuals do the same thing in our daily walk with Christ?" It seems that in today's church, far too many believers just quit when the going gets tough. Whenever the first sign of adversity comes they are AWOL. I don't have an answer to the question, wish I did. I do have a few ideas as to why, but I will leave that alone for now. I will get off my soapbox for now, but before I do, I would like to say that what happened on the field last night is exactly the reason why I do what I do. I have always asked my team to just give me their all. I am not interested in the score of the game because in just a few years nobody will even remember. But, I believe we will all remember the courage, heart, and teamwork that was displayed on the field last night. Pray for Jacob Kemp, he is going to have surgery today and will be out for the rest of the year. Pray for the Eagle football team, they only have five healthy bodies and we need six. Go Eagles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!By the way the Falcons are for real this year. They will be a very tough out come playoff time.
Brother Robert the First ...

The old saw "it isn't the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog" was true last night.

Your team showed that they have more heart than teams with greater numbers ... and, as you know, Dante Johnson (#23) is a kid who would be playing and starting on ANY high school team in the state of Texas (add as many A's as you'd like). Even with the luxury of covering him with two guys for most of the game (and every time we were able to take him down, I usually counted three or more blue jerseys in the vicinity), he was still as much or more for us to handle.

Our prayers are out to Jacob this morning as he undergoes surgery. May the Lord be in that operating room, guiding all to help him heal and with his family and friends.

Folks, if you got Town East on your schedule, be ready for a tough game. My good friend Brother Robert only needs five or six guys to make your evening miserable. Win or Lose.
Speaking with Coach Davis last night, I was told that the young man's surgery was successful ... repaired broken ankle (I think) in two places; several weeks of no weight bearing before therapy.

May the Lord continue to watch over him and help him in his healing.