The Winston School of Dallas - Coaching Vacancies


11-man fan
The Winston School of Dallas is in search of qualified and motivated coaches for the following sports:

Junior High Football Assistant
Junior High Head Soccer Coach
High School Head Soccer Coach
High School Basketball Head Coach
High School Basketball Assistant Coach
Junior High Basketball Head Coach
Junior High Basketball Assistant Coach
Head and Assistant Coach for All Elementary Sports (Soccer, Basketball, and Softball)
HS and JH Cross Country Coach
HS Golf Head Coach
HS and MS Tennis Head Coach
HS and MS Tennis Assistant Coach

*These positions are open to coaches only! If you are looking for a possible teaching position, go to our website at for more details.

*These positions are paid with stipends per sport per position.

If you are interested in one or more coaching positions, please contact Cedrick Miller, Athletic Director at or by calling 214-691-6950 ext. 213.


Cedrick L. Miller, Sr.
Athletic Director
The Winston School
5707 Royal Lane
Dallas, TX 75229

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