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Wait a minute, ol' codger.   TAPPS, although made up of many Christian-based and sponsored schools DOES have a fair number of schools that are non-religious in nature.   It is not solely a religious school group.  TAPPS is not, on its face, a religious-schools only league.  In fact, it includes three tax-supported schools (Texas School for the Deaf and two prison schools, both of which joined under previous rules which allowed their membership ... and by the way, those three schools are not allowed to join UIL under their rules).

I got into trouble with this on the Islamic schools flap a few years back.   My opinion is, Christian vs secular vs Jewish vs Islamic is that heck, we're there so that the kids can compete in sports and academic/music/art competition.   I'm not really interested in the squabbles about religion, geopolitical machinations, and such when it comes to lettin' the kids play.  If they play by the rules, be it the rules of the game, the rules of competition in the league, and the rules of good sportsmanship, c'mon in ... the water's fine.  All that other stuff we can fight about another day.

But TAPPS has decided to acquience to the majority of its members and not schedule events on Sunday (which, by the way, is a "day off" for all UIL events as well).   They have made it clear on a number of occasions that state finals events will not be adjusted for religious reasons and schools like Beren and in the past Burton Adventist have agreed to those limitations.

TAPPS has decided to allow schools to adjust regionals games to meet those religious limitations, but until this weekend, did not allow those changes for finals (and basically changed because of the threat of a lawsuit which would involve the venue where the game was originally scheduled).

What I don't like is that Beren said on Monday and Tuesday, well, we wish we could play.  We asked you again and you said no, so thanks for at least listening to our plea.  

But we sure didn't do much to stop a couple mommas and poppas who took this into their own hands.   I guess it would take an administrator with, shall we say politely, guts, to say, sorry, mommas and poppas.  You can get all the court orders you want, I will not permit my school to be involved in the tournament since we will abide by the decision of the organization where we FREELY joined and AGREED to the limitation that we are now faced with.

But like I've said, it isn't the rules.  It's society today.
