Sumthin yew don't see ever day


Six-man fan
Well, last nite in Richland I done seen sumthin yew don't see ever day--a hard, hard, hard hittin' jr. high game. I mean Richland and Cherokee were gettin' after it. I don't knowd if these teams need to done play in high skool cuz it mite be too dangerous. Well, dangerous fer Cherokee that iz. Yew don't see a young feller git one of hiz ear pads knocked out of hiz helmet in jr. high game all that often. Plus Richland has done got a kid that reminds me of . . . well, I jest can say it cuz it don't seem possible.
Smoke, that iz whut I done thought, but I done guess half-century done rolls round ever 10 years now. Or I cud jest be gettin' old.
You may know the old saying about a man being considered very lucky if he can have one good horse in his lifetime, one good dog, and one good woman.

I believe that saying would hold true to a football team also. One GOOD player is a blessing that doesn't come around very often, like you say maybe every fifty year or so. After traveling over to Richland Springs last evening and witnessing it for myself and from what I saw with my own eyes, I sure believe that Richland Springs has got itself another T E. It was an awsome sight to behold on a little Jr. High team.
C. La Transviejo":1i912728 said:
You may know the old saying about a man being considered very lucky if he can have one good horse in his lifetime, one good dog, and one good woman..
I tell my wife 2 out of 3 ain't too bad.
smokeyjoe53":29i8xfem said:
C. La Transviejo":29i8xfem said:
You may know the old saying about a man being considered very lucky if he can have one good horse in his lifetime, one good dog, and one good woman..
I tell my wife 2 out of 3 ain't too bad.
How much trouble do you get in for that?