smaller Video cameras


Six-man expert
Q: anyone bought a video camera lately? W/Flip going bye-bye, I'm thinking about Kodak Zi8 or Sony Bloggie Touch. thoughts? ideas?

I had a Flip, but had to give it back at my old job. With Cisco getting rid of them, I was wondering what I should buy.
I have the Kodak one and I love it. In fact, I love it better than the Flip. Everyone I know uses the Kodak brand.

Granger, I have 3 Flips (HD Mino) sitting right here, brand spankin' new. I planned on selling them at our garage sale we are planning on Saturday but if you need one, I'll gladly send you one (for free).

Let me know!
ACowboysWife wrote:
> I have the Kodak one and I love it. In fact, I love it better than the
> Flip. Everyone I know uses the Kodak brand.
> Granger, I have 3 Flips (HD Mino) sitting right here, brand spankin' new.
> I planned on selling them at our garage sale we are planning on Saturday
> but if you need one, I'll gladly send you one (for free).
> Let me know!

I appreciate the thought. I loved my flip, but am being sold on the Kodak's features for my work-related stuff... I have a credit at Amazon for more than enough to get the Kodak for free and was just wondering if it was worth it... Thanks again for the offer. And good luck with that garage sale.