Small School Division @ State Track Meet in 2013


11-man fan
UIL announced there will be a small school divison in track in 2013. Class A will be divided into two divisions. Same as BB and 11-6man football. The vote by Class A supts. was 275-49 for. Both class A's will run on Sat. at noon. As of right now there is a movement for area track in all divisions. I see this happening 2012-2013 school year. I dont think it will be needed in class A anymore. 8 districts three to regionals.
Great thing and a long time coming. Funny though, the UIL excuse back in the day was they did not have time or room for another division. Guess days got longer and they plan on stretching the track facility. Ha Wonder if the fact they will add money has anything to do with it. Whatever the reason, long time coming.
Spent a lot of time trying to convince the UIL, didn't we HPD, but never really made progress. wonder if the are going to use any of the ideas on times and stuff that we presented in the past. I know i spent a lot of time trying to show them it could be done, besides what was at the meetings.
sad it took this long. i dont know to whom you referance about bein the fly in the ointment, but should have given him an oilfield doping seem for a many a year. but why does it have to wait until 13 y not next year i have never seen anything move so slow unless it has something to do with your tax money then the are johnny on the spot. thanks for the info anyway
The track thing is an issue that has been a long time coming. Small schools had the six man state meet, which was a great thing, but was killed through the efforts of several folks. Again the arguments already mentioned were given as reasons it could not happen. The fly was a member of UIL athletic council who automatically voted against what ever six man wanted. He was a real piece of work. He needed inviting behind the dog house for a little "instruction" about as bad as anyone I ever saw.

Maybe having a sixman supe on council helped. Could not hurt.
glad he is gone yep would have liked to intro him to buddies of mine ,,, yep oilfield trash but as good as gold and they would have loved to show him an abandoned casing.... if he was there to hurt kids from our little schools..