Sixman ex goes for crowded field title today

markf":35ds00so said:
John,,I saw that ,,Thank God ,It could have been much worse..

Prayers for the Packers, j/k..Could be the best thing to happen,
lose during the regular season

Agreed. You don't go into a game expecting to lose, but if I'm the Packers, I'd rather lose this one to the Chiefs and play strong against the Bears and Lions at home.
markf":cw9b22mu said:
Dear HPD,,
Close to 200,000 fans went thru the gates
at Jerry's World...What a great memory these kids will
have for the rest of their lives,,Like many of ya'll have said
it's all about the Kids...Thank You Sixman Coachs
Now if we can get that deal where we can get the field
sixman ready...It will Happen...
Mark, a couple of years ago there was thread on here part serious, part joking about a 6-man
"championship" stadium when your buddie's (ha,ha! said HPD) at the UIL started deciding the State Championship site.
Sixman in J world would be great for the sport for exsposure, but, it's not what the sports about. The 03 game at Ratliff Stadium in Odessa set the attendance record at 6000. Even if you double that becase of the venue (a stretch) the big circus tent is still pretty much empty.
If the sixman world could come together and build a proper facility and grounds I think it would do much more for the sport. A topic for another thread? I know I dream.
The six thousand attendance record caught my eye. Is that really the attendance record? Has there been hard numbers on attendance at all of these playoff games? Maybe my memory increases feelings for facts, but two games that I attended in Gordon Wood stadium in Brownwood felt like the stands were completely filled. The Mullin-Revere Colorado game and a semi-final game between May and Zephyr around 1990 both stand out in my mind for filling that venue.
Did you catch the piece on the Refugio coach on ESPN's Outside the Lines? He's a little wound up, but there's a reason he plays almost the whole game with his starters. It is the same issue some six-man teams face. They get up by 50 at the half and his starters would sit out the second half because their district is one of the worst in the state. The past two seasons they would run out of gas late in the semifinals because they never had to play a full game. He decided to go uptempo and push to get them ready to win a state championship. I get it... of course when his second string is throwing td's on the last play s of the game, it is tough to swallow...
I said then that coaches should decide where they want to play. I understand the set up for television and all that and the delight of playing in Jerry World. That is great, but how many folks did not get to see their team play on Thursday noon or Friday noon? I had ties to both games, and no one has complained, but my take was as an old coach and not one any more, but still think the same. That is just me, glad crowds were big, having Metroplex schools might have helped that, the UIL was pleased as their moolah was good I am sure. Just think that schools and coaches should have the say in where and when they play. Just saying

Not trying to restart a hullabaloo, just stating my opinion. As for sixman moving there, seriously doubt it, but also did not think and was told for years that there could not be a sixman division for track. Now, I hear that that is going to happen, which is great. I am just griped that they did not do it years ago, when UIL said there was not enough time or room for another division.

Abilene apparently does a great job with the sixman state games and yes, I am p.o.ed because San Angelo is too lazy to even try to host the sixman games, but that is about par for us.

Everyone have a great holidays and if you or your loved ones are traveling, be safe.
Blue Bird said:
The six thousand attendance record caught my eye. Is that really the attendance record? Has there been hard numbers on attendance at all of these playoff games?
The "record crowd, over 6000" was from tne Abilene paper. Ratliff hold's 18,000. My old memory thought it was over 1/2 full. Maybe some of us were "spread out" for comfort.
51eleven":3he5wgvu said:
Blue Bird":3he5wgvu said:
The six thousand attendance record caught my eye. Is that really the attendance record? Has there been hard numbers on attendance at all of these playoff games?
The "record crowd, over 6000" was from tne Abilene paper. Ratliff hold's 18,000. My old memory thought it was over 1/2 full. Maybe some of us were "spread out" for comfort.

I went to that game. At the time, I thought watching a sixman game on a turf field was about as strange as it got. How the times are a changing.
HPD said "I said then that coaches should decide where they want to play."
According to the UIL, the location of the 6-man championship games is decided by the sixman coaches association.
It is my understanding that when the idea came up, only two places were nominated. One was Lubbock, I do not know what happened there and Abilene. The dummy or dummies in charge in San Angelo did not even know anything about it. I called and kind of clued them in but I really do not think they pursued it. Guess they think that big ole stadium sitting empty most of playoffs is neat deal. Wish you had not brought that up. but Merry Xmas. Ha

I guess your statement is true. One last thing, all that Lubbock has done for the Sixman Coaches Association, if Lubbock was at all interested, I would at least alternate. You cannot believe how Lubbock has made the association grow. Just saying. I know will be on that like white on rice, but sixman football owes Lubbock, big time.
IMO, if more than one place is interested in hosting the finals, each should submit a bid. Bids should include cost, facility information, and what they will, or won't, do to their field to make it more sixman friendly. This needs to happen during every realignment.
CowboyP":w2hxnn5h said:
IMO, if more than one place is interested in hosting the finals, each should submit a bid. Bids should include cost, facility information, and what they will, or won't, do to their field to make it more sixman friendly. This needs to happen during every realignment.

Why not every season?
Not sure on the answer on that. I am assuming that a city has or needs a couple of years leeway to make it all happen. Do not get me wrong, see nothing wrong with how Abilene is doing it. I just think and still do that if Lubbock is interested (and they may not be) then they should be in the mix. San Angelo, just too lazy I guess, I will be like Don, would like to go to games and be home in 15 minutes. However, if they want to spend all their coin on the fine arts, more power to them.

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