Scholarship fund and the Mohawk


Six-man expert
Since this will be the last year for the Mohawk, I have decided to give everyone a chance to pick the color it will be at the finals. The person/community that donates the most to the scholarship fund gets to choose. You can donate using PayPal. The email associated with the account is [email protected]
After you donate, send an email giving the team you support and the color you want the Mohawk to be.
I think blue would look good on Cowboy, Pop. It looks like he's wearing red now. Is he? I've heard his mohawk is orange.
AND WHERE DO YOU DONATE. Are we donating to Cowboy. Is it the donate to Cowboy fund for sharing scores while he's on the recliner. Who does the donation go too. That link just has an email page. Explain Cowboy.
I was proud to support the Scholarship fund. My grandson got one so I know how much they deserve a chance to go to College. I Will be adding to this fund as the money comes in.!!!!!